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Ford Jr., Robert books & textbook

The Southern Foodways Alliance Community Cookbook

Edge, John T.  Milam, Sara Camp  Roahen, Sara  Acheson, Hugh  Castle, Sheri  Cecelski, David  Chapman, Georgeanna Milam  Claiborne, Craig  Dupree, Nathalie  Elie, Lolis Eric  Engelhardt, Elizabeth S. D.  Fowler, Damon  Giovanni, Nikki  Harris, Jessica B.  Hopkins, Linton  Lasseter, Mary  Lee, Edward  Lee, Ted  Link, Donald  McGreger, April  Mosier, Angie  Puckett, Susan  Roahen, Sara  Smith, Lee  Walsh, Robb  Willis, Virginia  York, Joe  Abadie, Dale  Anderson, Jean  Averitt, Ben  Barker, Ben  Barker, Karen  Barton, Scott  Bayley, Billy  Benton, Allan  Best, Bill  Bhatt, Vishwesh  Bienvenu, Marcelle  Blank, Fritz  Bridgforth, Pauline P.  Brock, Sean  Brooks, Gayle  Brown, Eliza  Bundy, Walter  Bunn, Richard  Butler, Ora Lee  Caricofe, Erin  Carr, Johnnie  Cary, Kathy  Cashion, Ann  Cashion, Margaret P.  Castle, Madge  Caswell, Bryan  Chanin, Natalie  Chase, Leah  Copeland, Carol  Corriher, Shirley  Cottier, Diana  Council, Mildred  Coykendall, John  Crockett, Amy  Currence, John  Darden, Carol  Darden, Norma Jean  Davenport, Sally  Davis, Nan  Doré, Eula Mae  Dowdney, Stephen Palmer  Dragonwagon, Crescent  Edwards, Jason  Ellis, Belinda  Ellis, Rick  Evans, Corbin  Evans, Eli  Evans, Mary Beverly  Eversmeyer, Pam  Fleer, John  Folse, John  Foose, Martha  Ford, Kenneth  Foster, Sara  Fussell, Fred  Gibbs, Sara  Gossen, Jim  Hall Jr., Flavius B.  Hall, Melissa Booth  Hansen, Ashley  Hardaway, J.C.  Hastings, Chris  Head, Thomas  Hernandez, Eddie  Hobbs, Blair  Howorth, Beckett  Huntley, Dan  Jennings, Bret  Jones, Sonya  Karmel, Elizabeth  Key, Lionel  King, Joyce  Koikos, Jimmy  Koikos, Nicky  Lasseter, David  Lata, Mike  Lawless, Phoebe  Leslie, Austin  Logsdon, Dana  Lundy, Ronni  Malik, John  McCord, Dean  McDaniel, Rick  McDermott, Nancie  Melvin, Robby  Mitchell, Alexander  Moose, Debbie  Morris, Gene  Murphree, Jennie Sue  Murphree, Walter  Neal, Bill  Nobles, Cynthia LeJeune  O'Kelley, Sarah  Osteen, Louis  Pack, Mary Margaret  Patout, Peter  Patridge, Tim  Peacock, Scott  Perry, Bob  Petty, Audrey  Poche, Floyd  Propst, Margaret  Prudhomme, Paul  Reid, Billy  Rentschler, Kay  Richards, Todd  Richardson, Jared  Richardson, Lee  Ricks, Cappy  Riddle, Ann Garner  Riley, Grace  Roberts, Glenn  Robinson, Clinton  Robinson, Ray  Sasser, Tom  Satterfield, Steven  Sauceman, Jill  Sawicki, Lynne  Schnatter, Patty  Schroeder, James  Schwartz, Francine Wolfe  Scott, Ed  Shannon, Jamie  Shirley, Jim  Shortt, Beth  Shouse, LaRou  Smith Jr., Bill  Smith Sr., Bill  Smith, Ken  Sonnier, Greg  Spicer, Susan  Stamps, Martha  Starr, Kathy  Stehling, Robert  Stitt, Frank  Subra Jr., Chuck  Taylor, John Martin  Thomas, Sarah  Tooker, Poppy  Torres, Miguel  Uzee, Celeste  Vaucresson, Vance  Vaucresson, Julie  Weinzwieg, Ari  White, Hal  Williams, Liz  Williams, Horace Randall  Young, Alex  Lee, Matthew  Evans, Amy  

University of Georgia Press /2015-04-01 Paperback / 296 Pages
isbn-10: 0820348589 / isbn-13: 9780820348582

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Knowing Him by Heart: African Americans on Abraham Lincoln (The Knox College Lincoln Studies Center)

Hord, Fred Lee  Norman, Matthew D.  Hord, Fred Lee  Norman, Matthew D.  Davis, Rodney O.  Wilson, Douglas L.  Burlingame, Michael  Carwardine, Richard  Medford, Edna Greene  Oakes, James  Pinsker, Matthew  Prokopowicz, Gerald J  Sellers, John R  Weber, Jennifer L  Douglass, Frederick  Douglas, H. Ford  Hamilton, Thomas  Hamilton, Robert  Campbell, Jabez P  Turner, Henry McNeal  Payne, Daniel Alexander  Garnet, Henry Highland  Bell, Philip A  Thomas, Edward M  Smith, Alfred P  Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins  Vashon, George B  Strother, Thomas  Johnson, Ezra R  CPS  Smith, James  Augusta, Alexander T  Sanderson, Jeremiah B  Anderson, Osborne P  Chester, Thomas Morris  Hudson, James H  Proctor, John  Purvis, Robert  Johnson, Hannah  Grimes, Leonard A  Asher, Jeremiah  Menard, John Willis  African Civilization Society  Florville, William  Johnson, Henry  Street, Thomas R  Morgan, John H  Burr, Mattild  Beman, Amos G  Cain, Richard H  Roudanez, Jean Baptiste  Bertonneau, Arnold  North Carolina Freedmen  Rutter, Don Carlos  Stephens, George E  Pennington, James W.C  "Africano"  Davis, Annie  Chase, S.W.  Truth, Sojourner  Delany, Martin  Washington, George  Hill, Isaac J  Newton, Alexander H  Thomas, Jacob  Demby, Angeline R  Wagoner, Henry O  Le Vere, George W  Keckley, Elizabeth  Trevigne, Paul  Liverpool, Thomas N.C  Cordelia, H  Williams, George Washington  Love, Emmanuel K  Scarborough, William S  Langston, John Mercer  Clark, Peter H  Hammond, EWS  Anderson, Charles W  Washington, Booker T  Tubman, Harriet  Taylor, Julius F  Wells-Barnett, Ida B  Dunbar, Paul Laurence  Thomas, Elizabeth  Grimke, Archibald H  Keckly, Elizabeth  Sinclair, William A  Barber, Jesse Max  Terrell, Mary Church  Fortune, T. Thomas  Ransom, Reverdy C  Du Bois, W. E. B  Trotter, William Monroe  Griffin, Maude K  Kealing, Hightower T  Floyd, Silas X  Knox, George L  Inborden, Thomas S  Henderson, George W  Pickens, William  Miller, Kelly  Cottin, Etta M. T.  Gandy, John M  Moore, Fred R  Williams, Sylvanie F  Smith, Harry C  Magee, James H  Curtis, James L  Bowen Sr, John W. E.  Ball, Cora J  Baker, Thomas Nelson  Yates, Josephine Silone  Johnson, James Weldon  Lewis, William H  Murphy Sr, John H  Wright Sr, Robert R  Allain, Theophile T  Bush-Banks, Oliva Ward  Gadsden, Richard W  Johnson, Edward A  Dunbar-Nelson, Alice  Harrison, Hubert H  Woodson, Carter G  Moton, Robert R  Johnson, Georgia Douglas  HUGHES, LANGSTON  Chesnutt, Charles  White, Walter  Perkins, Lamar  Haynes, Samuel A  Lilly, William E  Vann, Robert L  Imes, William Lloyd  Gordon, Eugene  Mitchell, Arthur W  Evans, Grace  Payne, Aaron H  McKay, Claude  Simmons, Roscoe Conkling  Rogers, Joel A  Bethune, Mary McLeod  Franklin, John Hope  Baker, Ella  Jackson, Luther Porter  Townsend, Willard  Bunche, Ralph J  Wilkins, Roy  Johnson, Mordecai W  Murphy, Carl J  Robinson, Jackie  King Jr, Martin Luther  Marshall, Thurgood  Sampson, Edith  Quarles, Benjamin  Drake, St. Clair  Wesley, Charles H  Bates, Daisy  Malcolm X  Brooks, Gwendolyn  Lester, Julius  Bennett Jr, Lerone  Moon, Henry Lee  Sengstacke, John H  Hodges, Norman E. W.  Strickland, Arvarh E.  Berry, Mary Frances  Harding, Vincent  Thomas, Clarence  Fields, Barbara Jeanne  Gates Jr, Henry Louis  Obama, Barack  

University of Illinois Press /2022-12-20 Hardcover / 576 Pages
isbn-10: 0252044681 / isbn-13: 9780252044687

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Alopecia: His Story

Elmore, Jamie  Dolberry Jr., Melvin  Ford Jr., Robert  Carter, Gabriel  Lyles Jr., Charles  

Independently published /2022-05-07 Paperback / 81 Pages


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Flows in Networks (Princeton Landmarks in Mathematics and Physics)

L. R. Ford Jr.  D. R. Fulkerson  Robert G. Bland  James B. Orlin  

Princeton University Press /2010-10-31 Paperback / 216 Pages
isbn-10: 0691146675 / isbn-13: 9780691146676

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Ford, Robert E., Jr.  

Dorrance Pub Co /2017-10-31 Paperback / 178 Pages
isbn-10: 1480945692 / isbn-13: 9781480945692

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COMPLETE COWBOY - Wild Western Stories - Volume 6, number 4 - Winter 1946

Robert W. (editor) (T. W. Ford; C. D. Richardson Jr.; Chester B. Conant Lowndes  

Columbia Publications /1946T Paperback


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