tables and graphs books & textbook
Smoke, Dust, and Haze: Fundamentals of Aerosol Behavior
Friedlander, Sheldon K. (Kay) Tables, Graphs, Formulae
John Wiley & Sons Inc /1977T Hardcover / 317 Pages
isbn-10: 0471014680 / isbn-13: 9780471014683
The Molecular Basis of Evolution
Anfinsen, Christian B. (Christian Boehmer) b/w Illus; Graphs, Tables, Etc.
John Wiley & Sons /1959T Hardcover / 228 Pages
Evolution and the Aquatic Ecosystem: Defining Unique Units in Population Conservation
Nielsen, Jennifer L & Powers, Dennis A. (editors) Tables, Graphs, Etc
American Fisheries Societ /1995T Paperback / 435 Pages
isbn-10: 0913235946 / isbn-13: 9780913235942
Railroad Curves & Earthwork
Allen, C. Frank Tables, Diagrams; Graphs, Etc
McGraw Hill /1931T Leather Bound / 290 Pages
Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook of the American Concrete Institute
Unnown editor) Graphs, Tables, Etc
generic /1955T Paperback
The Wages Of Farm And Factory Laborers, 1914-1944 Studies in History, Econnoics and Public Law Series #518)
Ahearn, Daniel J. Tables, Graphs
generic /1968T Hardcover
Wetlands: The Journal of the Society of Wetlands Scientists, Volume 26, No. 1, March, 2006
Wilcox, Douglas A. (Editor) Graphs, Tables, Sketches, Etc
Society of Wetland Scientists /2006T Paperback
Hydrologic Data Wind River and Fifteen Mile Creek Basins, Wyoming, 1947-54: Hydrology of the Public Domain (Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1475-A
King, Norman J. Maps, Graphs, Photos, Tables; 3 Fold-out Maps in Rear Pocket
Government Printing Office /1957T Paperback
Systematics and Life History of the GREAT BARRACUDA. Sphyraena barracuda [Walbaum]. Studies in Tropical Oceanography No. 1.
De Sylva, Donald P. Tables, Graphs; Fold-out Chart
University of Miami Press Institute of Marine Science /1963T Paperback
The Agrarian History of Western Europe A. D. 500-1850
Van Bath, B. H. Slicher (Ordish, transl.) tables and graphs
Edward Arnold /1966T Hardcover