sallam, al qasim ibn books & textbook
Kitab Iman - Book of Faith
Lejna, Abu Lejna, Abu al -Qasim ibn Sallam, Imam Abi 'Ubayd Lejna, Abu sallam, al qasim ibn AMoalim, AMoalim
Independently published /2024-05-06 Paperback / 37 Pages
The Book of Revenue: Kitab al-Amwal (The Great Books of Islamic Civilization) by Abu Ubayd Al-Qasim Ibn Sallam (2005-06-01)
Ithaca Press (2005-06-01) / Paperback
Libri proverbiorum lectiones duae, octa () et septima decima quas ex apographo codicis Bibliothec. ducal. Guelpherbytan. Acabice edidit, Latine vertit et annotationibus instruxit Ernes [Leather Bound]
Abū ʻUbayd al-Qāsim ibn Sallām, approximately -approximately .
Generic /2022T Leather Bound / 64 Pages