book price comparison

fold out map, plates, photos books & textbook

Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic

Trevelyan, G.M.  fold out map, plates, photos  

Longmans, Green And Co. /1910T Hardcover


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Origin and Development of Craters (Geological Society of America Memoir 21

Jagger, T. A.  Fold-out Maps in rear Pocket; Photos, Plates, Tables,  

Geological Society of America /1947T Hardcover


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Special Sediment Iinvestigations; Mississippi River at Saint Louis, Missouri, 1961-63: Contributions to the Hydrology of the United States (Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1819-J

Fidler, Richard E.  Maps, Graphs, Photos, Tables; 3 Fold-out Plates in Rear Pocket  

Government Printing Office /1966T Paperback


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Effects of Urbanization on Streamflow and Sediment Transport in the Rock Creek and Anacostia River Basins, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1962-74

Yorke, Thomas H.& Herb, Wwilliam J.  Maps, Photos, Graphs,etc..3 Fold-out Plates in Rear Pocket  

Government Printing Office /1978T Paperback


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Transport and Dispersion of Fluorescent Tracer Particles for the Dune-Bed Condition, Atrisco Feeder Canal Near Bernalillo, New Mexico

Rathbun, R. E; & Kennedy, V. C.  Fold-out Plate in Rear Pocket; 16 Figures (maps, Graphs, photos)  

Government Printing Office /1978T Paperback


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Effects of the Catastrophic Flood of December 1966, North Rim Area, Eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona

Cooley, M.E.; Aldridge, B.N. & Euler, R.C.  Fold-out Plate in Pocket in Rear; Maps, Graphs, Photos, Etc  

Government Printing Office /1977T Paperback


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Trevelyan, G.M.  fold out map, plates, photos  

Longmans, Green And Co. /1911T Hardcover


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