charts, Tables books & textbook
The design and analysis of industrial experiments
Davies, Owen L. (editor) Tables, Charts, Etc
Hafner Publishing Co /1967T Hardcover
The Collected Mathematical Works of George William Hill. Volume Two
George William Hill Tables and Charts
Carnegie Institution of Washington /1906T Paperback
Revised Regulations for the Army of the United States, 1861. With a Full Index.
War Department; United States charts, Tables
National Historical Society; J.G.L. Brown /1980T Hardcover
The Business Cycle in a Changing World
Burns, Arthur F. Tables and Charts
Nat'l Bur. of Econ. Research /1969T Hardcover
Charles Booth On the City: Physical pattern and Social Structure :Selected Writings (Heritage of Sociology Series)
Booth, Charles) Pfautz, Harold W. (editor) Tables, Charts
generic /1967T Hardcover
Systematics and Life History of the GREAT BARRACUDA. Sphyraena barracuda [Walbaum]. Studies in Tropical Oceanography No. 1.
De Sylva, Donald P. Tables, Graphs; Fold-out Chart
University of Miami Press Institute of Marine Science /1963T Paperback
Van Nostrand's Chemical Annual: a Handbook of Useful Data for Analytical, Manufacturing, and Investigating Chemists
John C. Editor Olsen etc Illustrated by Charts, fold-out tables
D. Van Nostrand /1926-01-01 Hardcover
The Science of Railways: Electricity Applied to Railways
Marshall M. Kirkman Illustrations, Pull-out Tables, Graphs, Charts
The World Railway Publishing Company /1908T Hardcover
The Science of Railways: Air Brake Construction and Handling
Marshall M. Kirkman Illustrations, Pull-out Tables, Graphs, Charts
The World Railway Publishing Company /1908T Hardcover / 707 Pages
Titanium: The Industry, Its Future, Its Equities
F. S. Smithers & Co. /1957-01-01 Paperback