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american psychiatric association committee on books & textbook

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5

american psychiatric association committee on  

American Psychiatric Association /1968T Paperback / 991 Pages
isbn-10: 9386217961 / isbn-13: 9789386217967

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People with Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System: Answering a Cry for Help

Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry  Committee on Psychiatry and the Community  American Psychiatric Association  

Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry /2016-03-22 Paperback / 211 Pages
isbn-10: 0873182197 / isbn-13: 9780873182195

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DSM-II Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Second Edition)

Committee on Nomenclature and Statistics of the American Psychiatric Association  Ernest M. Gruenberg, M.D.  

American Psychiatric Association /1968T Plastic Comb / 119 Pages


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A psychiatric glossary; the meaning of words most frequently used in psychiatry

American Psychiatric Association. Committee On Public Information  

[American Psychiatric Association] /1964-01-01 Paperback


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In the Long Run. . .Longitudinal Studies of Psychopathology in Children (GAP Report #143)

Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry  American Psychiatric Association  Psychiatry, Committee on Child  

Group for the Advancement /1999T Hardcover / 183 Pages
isbn-10: 087318212X / isbn-13: 9780873182126

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Alcoholism in the United States: Racial and Ethnic Considerations (GAP REPORT (GROUP FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF PSYCHIATRY))

Unknown Editor) American Psychiatric Association, Committee on Cultural Psychiat  

Amer Psychiatric Pub Inc /1996T Hardcover / 111 Pages
isbn-10: 087318209X / isbn-13: 9780873182096

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