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Wyer Jr., Robert S. books & textbook

The Automaticity of Everyday Life: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume X (Advances in Social Cognition Series) (1997-03-03)

Robert S. Wyer Jr.  

Psychology Press / Mass Market Paperback


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Person Memory (PLE: Memory) (Psychology Library Editions: Memory)

Hastie, Reid  Ostrom, Thomas M.  Ebbesen, Ebbe B.  Wyer Jr., Robert S.  Hamilton, David L.  Carlston, Donal E.  

Routledge /2015-12-21 Paperback / 320 Pages
isbn-10: 1138978213 / isbn-13: 9781138978218

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Ruminative Thoughts: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume IX (Advances in Social Cognition Series)

Wyer Jr., Robert S.  

Psychology Press /1996-01-01 Paperback / 226 Pages
isbn-10: 0805818162 / isbn-13: 9780805818161

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Knowledge and Memory (Volume VIII): The Real Story (Advances in Social Cognition Series)

S. Wyer Jr., Robert  

Lawrence Erlbaum /1995-06-01 Paperback / 252 Pages
isbn-10: 0805814469 / isbn-13: 9780805814460

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Memory and Cognition in Its Social Context by Robert S. Wyer Jr. (1989-10-01)

Robert S. Wyer Jr.  

Psychology Press / Hardcover


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Social Comprehension and Judgment: The Role of Situation Models, Narratives, and Implicit Theories [1/13/2013] Robert S. Wyer Jr.

Robert S. Wyer Jr.  

Psychology Press / Paperback


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Social Cognition, Inference, and Attribution by R. S. Wyer Jr. (1979-09-01)

Robert S. Wyer Jr.  

Psychology Press / Hardcover


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Perspectives on Anger and Emotion: Advances in Social Cognition, Volume Vi (Advances in Social Cognition Series) (1993-06-03)

Robert S. Wyer Jr.  

Psychology Press / Paperback


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Social Comprehension and Judgment: The Role of Situation Models, Narratives, and Implicit Theories by Robert S. Wyer Jr. (2013-01-13)

Robert S. Wyer Jr.  

Psychology Press; 1 edition (2013-01-13) / Paperback


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