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William H. Bruening books & textbook

(Wittgenstein (Open Court Paperbacks)) [By: Bartley, W. W. III] [Jan, 1986]

William H. Bruening  

Open Court Publishing Company / Paperback


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Sophia: A Journal for Discussion in Philosophical Theology, vol. XVI (16), no. 3 (October 1977): Aquinas, Wittgenstein on God-Talk; Miracles with Method; Buddhism & Atheism; Religious Experience

William H. Bruening  Keith E. Yandell  John B. Gill  Arvind Sharma  M. J. Charlesworth  

Deakin University /1977T Journal / 30 Pages


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Ethical Issues - a Search for the Contemporary Conscience

Durland, William R. And Bruening, William H.  

Mayfield Publishing Company /1975T Paperback


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Introduction to Philosophy of Law

William H. Bruening  

Rowman & Littlefield (non NBN) / Paperback
isbn-10: 0819105708 / isbn-13: 9780819105707

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