book price comparison

Vogel OSL, Dwight W. books & textbook

A Lukan Book of Hours

Vogel OSL, Dwight W.  

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2015-09-18 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 1508553017 / isbn-13: 9781508553014

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A Lukan Book of Feasts and Holy Days: Basic Forms of the Daily Office

Vogel OSL, Dwight W.  

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2018-07-13 Paperback / 262 Pages
isbn-10: 197575137X / isbn-13: 9781975751371

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The Book of Offices and Services

Saint Luke, The Order of  Astle OSL, Cynthia B.  Moore OSL, Sue  Davis OSL, Robert  Fahey OSL, Jack  Cranston OSL, Heather Josselyn  Ferguson OSL, Anne  Vogel OSL, Dwight W.  Benedict OSL, Daniel T.  

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2012-09-06 Paperback / 348 Pages
isbn-10: 1478391022 / isbn-13: 9781478391029

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Food for Pilgrims: A Journey with Saint Luke

Vogel O.S.L., Dwight W.  

OSL Publications /2015-09-25 Paperback / 156 Pages
isbn-10: 1878009710 / isbn-13: 9781878009715

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In the Valley of the Shadow

Vogel O.S.L., Dwight W.  

Order of Saint Luke Publications /2022-05-07 Paperback / 321 Pages
isbn-10: 187800980X / isbn-13: 9781878009807

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Sacremental Life (Volume 13, Number 3)

Gregory L. Hayes, O.S.L.  Dwight W. Vogel, O.S.L.  

Order of Saint Luke /2000T Paperback / 46 Pages


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The Daily Office A Book of Hours for Daily Prayer After the Use of THE ORDER OF SAINT LUKE for The Great Fifty Days (Easter through Penticost) Volume Three

Dwight W. Vogel, OSL  

Order of Saint Luke Publications /1994T Paperback
isbn-10: 1878009192 / isbn-13: 9781878009197

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