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Vaughn, Brian E. books & textbook

Social Work Practice in the Addictions (Contemporary Social Work Practice)

Vaughn, Michael G.  Perron, Brian E.  

Springer /2013-10-18 Paperback / 282 Pages
isbn-10: 1461493854 / isbn-13: 9781461493853

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Recovering Their Stories: US Catholic Women in the Twentieth Century (Catholic Practice in the Americas)

Rademacher, Nicholas K.  Yocum, Sandra  Booker, Vaughn A.  Clites, Brian  Costello, Damian  De Anda, Neomi  Dugan, Katherine  Harmon, Katharine E.  Huey, Annie  O’Connell, Maureen  Osborne, Catherine R.  Rademacher, Nicholas K.  Ronan, Marian  Yocum, Sandra  

Fordham University Press /2024-06-04 Hardcover / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 1531506585 / isbn-13: 9781531506582

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Measuring Attachment: Developmental Assessment across the Lifespan

Waters, Everett  Vaughn, Brian E.  Waters, Harriet Salatas  Sroufe, L. Alan  

The Guilford Press /2021-05-10 Hardcover / 478 Pages
isbn-10: 1462546471 / isbn-13: 9781462546473

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Baxter The Corgi

Vaughn, Brian E.  

Independently published /2021-03-17 Paperback / 26 Pages


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Caregiving, Cultural, and Cognitive Perspectives on Secure-Base Behavior and Working Models: New Growing Points on Attachment Theory and Research ... Society for Research in Child Development)

Waters, Everett  Vaughn, Brian E.  Posada, German  Kondo-Ikemura, Kiyomi  

University of Chicago Press /1995-09-01 Paperback / 348 Pages
isbn-10: 0226874737 / isbn-13: 9780226874739

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