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Van Der Pligt, Joop books & textbook

The Psychology of Radicalization and Terrorism

Koomen, Willem  Van Der Pligt, Joop  

Routledge /2015-11-19 Paperback / 284 Pages
isbn-10: 184872442X / isbn-13: 9781848724426

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Attitudes and Decisions (Psychology Revivals)

Eiser, J Richard  van der Pligt, Joop  

Psychology Press /2016-12-10 Paperback / 210 Pages
isbn-10: 1138951455 / isbn-13: 9781138951457

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Nuclear Energy and the Public

Pligt, Joop Van Der  

Blackwell Pub /1992-01-01 Hardcover / 193 Pages
isbn-10: 0631187324 / isbn-13: 9780631187325

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Current Themes in Psychological Decision Research: Selected Proceedings of the 13th Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decis ... UTILITY, AND DECISION MAKING//PROCEEDINGS)

Huber, Oswald  Mumpower, Jeryl  Van Der Pligt, Joop  

North-Holland / Hardcover
isbn-10: 0444899413 / isbn-13: 9780444899415

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