Thornton Y. Booth books & textbook
The Improvement Era (April 1943, Volume 46, Number 4)
William Mulder Bryant S. Hinckley Albert L. Zobell, Jr. Bruce Barton Thornton Y. Booth Paul Bailey James P. Sharp John W. Fitzgerald Algi Thurgood Various Others Heber J. Grant John A. Widtsoe
The Mutual Improvement Association /1943T Single Issue Magazine
PULITZER PRIZE READER: Monsieur Beaucaire; The Other Two; To Kill a Mockingbird; On the Divide; Young Man Axelbrod; The Warship; Prelude to Reunion; Impulse; Father Andrea; You Can't Do That; Black Secret; Johnny Bear; Still Still So; Testament of Flood
Leon (editor) (Booth Tarkington; Edith Wharton; Harper Lee; Willa Cather; Sinclair Lewis; Thornton W
Popular Library / Unknown Binding
Mastering The Event: Commitment to Fact in George Meredith's Fiction. Monograph Series, Volume XIV, May 1967, Number 2
Utah State University Press /1967-01-01 Paperback