Telles, Paul books & textbook
So Much Moon: cc&d magazine v299 (the July 2020 issue)
cc&d C E E Hayes, Charles Lowless, H. Lynn Timourian, Hector Kuypers, Janet Boroff, Linda Summerleigh, Michael Telles, Paul Elson, Thomas
Independently published /2020-06-08 Paperback / 108 Pages
Distributed Algorithms: 8th International Workshop, WDAG 1994, Terschelling, The Netherlands, September 29 - October 1, 1994. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 857)
Springer /1994-09-14 Paperback / 388 Pages
isbn-10: 3540584498 / isbn-13: 9783540584490
Ripper [Dramatized Adaptation]
Petrucha, Stefan Brownstein, Andy Graham, Scott Scofield, Todd Telles, Gary Penning, Marni Casey, Michael John Stoller, Dani Full Cast, A Church, Jonathon Shearer, Tia Rathnam, Lynette Potts, Faith Carpenter, Steven Reisman, Paul Tuazon, Yasmin Aselford, Terence Schleigh, Matthew Gillett, Bill Stinson, Chris McCormick, Scott Kashner, Carolyn Delany, Colleen Jackson, Ken Depinto, Nick Jourdan, David Walker, Christopher Bassett, Matthew Olinick, Sasha Ball, Jessica Lauren
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Time of Transference [Dramatized Adaptation]
Foster, Alan Dean Lynch, Dylan Smith, Bradley Glenn, Michael Clemence, Andy Aselford, Catherine Potts, Faith Genebach, Chris Perry, Nathanial Aselford, Terence Shelby, Mort Reisman, Paul Tuazon, Yasmin Walker, Christopher Linington, Gregory Gilbert, Kimberly Keenan, Matthew Rohan, Richard Forstrom, Amanda Carlin, Tim Brack, Joe Savard, Nanette Jackson, Ken Casey, Michael John Jourdan, David Full Cast, A Rone, J W Graybill, Christopher Messner, Eric Platt, Casie Telles, Gary Supan, Rose Elizabeth McCormick, Scott
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Shot in the Back [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Jourdan, David Konicek, James Wilmoth, Alyssa Jackson, Ken Gilbert, Kimberly Savard, Nanette Scofield, Todd Gavigan, Danny Messner, Eric Walker, Christopher McCormick, Scott Delany, Colleen Bussink, Patrick Allin, Jeff Rone, J W Supan, Rose Elizabeth Casey, Michael John Aselford, Terence Watkins, Jonathan Keenan, Matthew Kopas, Drew Yeh, Jacob Clemence, Andy Lynch, Dylan Getman, Tim Genebach, Chris Full Cast, A Reisman, Paul Rohan, Richard Jernigan, Elizabeth Lewis, James Aselford, Catherine Shelby, Mort Glenn, Michael Penny, Thomas Graybill, Christopher Dow, John Smith, Bradley Casey, Evan Carlin, Tim Wannall, Steve Linington, Gregory Zitney, David Forstrom, Amanda Depinto, Nick Telles, Gary
Graphic Audio /2020-06-04 Audio CD
The Moment of the Magician [Dramatized Adaptation]
Foster, Alan Dean Kopas, Drew Achrati, Nora Lynch, Dylan Delany, Colleen Allin, Jeff Messner, Eric Scheeren, Christopher Aselford, Terence Shelby, Mort McCormick, Scott Walker, Christopher Keenan, Matthew Konicek, James Smith, Bradley Glenn, Michael Tuazon, Yasmin Rohan, Richard Genebach, Chris Nam, Tony Savard, Nanette Lewis, James Jackson, Ken Reisman, Paul Full Cast, A Brack, Joe Graybill, Christopher Linington, Gregory Gilbert, Kimberly Jourdan, David Telles, Gary Supan, Rose Elizabeth Keegan, Thomas Olivera, Tracy Wilhelm, Eva
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Chorus Skating [Dramatized Adaptation]
Foster, Alan Dean Tuazon, Yasmin Savard, Nanette Shelby, Mort Reisman, Paul Jourdan, David Smith, Bradley Glenn, Michael Olivera, Tracy Telles, Gary Forstrom, Amanda Carlin, Tim Bussink, Patrick Jackson, Ken Achrati, Nora Starnes, Deidra Linington, Gregory Messner, Eric Clemence, Andy Scofield, Todd Aselford, Terence Supan, Rose Elizabeth McCormick, Scott Jernigan, Elizabeth Full Cast, A Kopas, Drew Casey, Michael John Novak, Karen Rohan, Richard Genebach, Chris Nam, Tony
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Mind Magic [Dramatized Adaptation]
Wilks, Eileen Beacon, Lily Wilhelm, Eva Giordano, Tara Supan, Rose Elizabeth McCormick, Scott Full Cast, A Delany, Colleen Pafumi, Helen Gavigan, Danny Depinto, Nick Jernigan, Elizabeth Dash, Elliot Lewis, James Messner, Eric Nam, Tony Savard, Nanette Tuazon, Yasmin Konicek, James Harris, Laura C Reisman, Paul Telles, Gary McGee, Matthew Allin, Jeff Glenn, Michael Jourdan, David Platt, Casie Bannister, Laura Davenport, Chris Keegan, Thomas Walker, Christopher Potts, Faith Payne, Bob Kopas, Drew Achrati, Nora Wannall, Steve Rose, Ericka Penning, Marni Yeh, Jacob Scheeren, Christopher Aselford, Terence
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Pray for the Dead [Dramatized Adaptation]
Richards, Dusty Full Cast, A Depinto, Nick Anderson, Rex Wannall, Steve Shelby, Mort Starnes, Deidra Yeh, Jacob Schleigh, Matthew Telles, Gary Scheeren, Christopher Smith, Bradley Wilmoth, Alyssa Brownstein, Andy Church, Jonathon Reisman, Paul Penning, Marni Lynch, Dylan Carpenter, Steven Zada, Lincoln Casey, Michael John Graybill, Christopher Bussink, Patrick Harris, Laura C Rone, J W Casey, Evan Gilbert, Kimberly Aselford, Terence Olinick, Sasha Hemmingsen, Brian McGee, Matthew Forstrom, Amanda Walker, Christopher Achrati, Nora Lewis, James Tuazon, Yasmin Supan, Rose Elizabeth Pafumi, Helen Mallon, Joe Glenn, Michael Delany, Colleen Stoller, Dani Kopas, Drew Graybill, Chris Stinson, Chris Rogers, Kenyatta Savard, Nanette McCormick, Scott Pabon, Tim Platt, Casie Ruiz, Alejandro Casey, Siobhan
Graphic Audio /2020-06-04 Audio CD
Kill or Die [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Stinson, Chris McCormick, Scott Savard, Nanette Wannall, Steve Getman, Tim Casey, Michael John Walker, Christopher Jourdan, David Graybill, Christopher Supan, Rose Elizabeth Casey, Evan Shearer, Tia Telles, Gary Beacon, Lily Kopas, Drew Genebach, Chris Reisman, Paul Bussink, Patrick Lewis, James Glenn, Michael Full Cast, A Clemence, Andy Delany, Colleen Rone, J W Shelby, Mort Messner, Eric Keegan, Thomas Aselford, Terence Tuazon, Yasmin Smith, Bradley Depinto, Nick Jernigan, Elizabeth Konicek, James Forstrom, Amanda Yeh, Jacob Carlin, Tim Rohan, Richard Keenan, Matthew Jackson, Ken
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD