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Syd Solomon books & textbook

Famous Artists Painting Course [3 Volume Set: Sections 1 - 4; 5 - 10; 11 - 17]

Ben Shahn  Joseph Hirsch  Doris Lee  Dong Kingman  Arnold Blanch  Adolf Dehn  Fletcher Martin  Will Barnet  Julian Levi  Syd Solomon  

Famous Artists Painting Course, Inc., Westport, Connecticut /1965T Ring-bound


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Syd Solomon: A retrospective showing, December 5, 1974-January 19, 1975, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, February 6, ... New York Cultural Center, New York, New York

Solomon, Syd  

Ringling Museum of Art /1974T Paperback / 44 Pages


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