Strain, James J. books & textbook
Depression as a Systemic Illness
Strain, James J. Blumenfield, Michael
Oxford University Press /2018-03-29 Paperback / 336 Pages
isbn-10: 0190603348 / isbn-13: 9780190603342
Kill Crazy [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Bassett, Matthew Jernigan, Elizabeth Delany, Colleen Strain, Alexander Smith, Bradley McCormick, Scott Harris, David Allin, Jeff Carpenter, Steven Casey, Michael John Full Cast, A Lynch, Dylan Konicek, James Sontagg, Daniel Jackson, Ken Scheeren, Christopher Rohan, Richard Kasey, Ren Gavigan, Danny Casey, Evan Achrati, Nora Platt, Casie Anderson, Rex Supan, Rose Elizabeth Glenn, Michael Coyne, David Graybill, Christopher Hamlett, Dexter Kopas, Drew Carlin, Tim Aselford, Terence Carkuff, Katy Getman, Tim Messner, Eric Depinto, Nick Walker, Christopher Beacon, Lily Wilhelm, Eva Talero, Andres Shelby, Mort
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Hard Ride to Hell [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Getman, Tim McCormick, Scott Harris, David Konicek, James Glenn, Michael Bussink, Patrick Halpern, Mark Shelby, Mort Scheeren, Christopher McGee, Matthew Aselford, Terence Pabon, Tim Achrati, Nora Brack, Joe Graybill, Christopher Messner, Eric Jernigan, Elizabeth Cutting, Richard Jackson, Ken Carlin, Tim Pinolini, Barbara Penny, Thomas Lewis, James Depinto, Nick Coyne, David Full Cast, A Carpenter, Steven Jourdan, David Strain, Alexander Rohan, Richard
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
A Hundred Ways to Kill [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Keegan, Thomas Full Cast, A Platt, Casie Graybill, Christopher Shelby, Mort Casey, Michael John Lynch, Dylan Telles, Gary Smith, Bradley Scheeren, Christopher Keegan, James Lewis, James Casey, Evan McCormick, Scott Brack, Joe Delany, Colleen Jackson, Ken Glenn, Michael Coyne, David Aselford, Terence Strain, Alexander Gavigan, Danny Carlin, Tim Harris, David Watkins, Jonathan Messner, Eric Achrati, Nora Beacon, Lily Rohan, Richard Kopas, Drew Gilbert, Kimberly Bussink, Patrick Savard, Nanette Santner, Joel David Pabon, Tim
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Rattlesnake Valley [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, J A Penny, Thomas Messner, Eric Brack, Joe Jackson, Ken Carlin, Tim Rohan, Richard Casey, Michael John Novak, Karen Carpenter, Steven Tuazon, Yasmin Lewis, James Keegan, Thomas Aselford, Terence Glenn, Michael Strain, Alexander Full Cast, A Shelby, Mort Jernigan, Elizabeth Dettweiler, Johann Depinto, Nick
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Savagery of the Mountain Man [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Keegan, Thomas Full Cast, A Smith, Bradley Brack, Joe Graybill, Christopher Gilbert, Kimberly Jernigan, Elizabeth Jackson, Ken Depinto, Nick Lewis, James Lynch, Dylan Rohan, Richard Messner, Eric Scheeren, Christopher Kopas, Drew Strain, Alexander Dettweiler, Johann Casey, Michael John Coyne, David Savard, Nanette Carpenter, Steven
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Carnage of Eagles [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, J A Johnstone, William W Depinto, Nick Lynch, Dylan Aselford, Terence Smith, Bradley Jernigan, Elizabeth Strain, Alexander Lewis, James Casey, Evan Keegan, Thomas Brack, Joe Graybill, Christopher Jackson, Ken Coyne, David Gorton, Gregory Gavigan, Danny Casey, Michael John Scheeren, Christopher Full Cast, A Kasey, Ren Konicek, James Messner, Eric McCormick, Scott Beacon, Lily Rohan, Richard Kopas, Drew Tuazon, Yasmin Sontagg, Daniel Getman, Tim Glenn, Michael Carlin, Tim Harris, David Dettweiler, Johann Shelby, Mort
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Arizona Ambush [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Smith, Bradley Keegan, James Sonntag, Daniel Gallagher, Larissa Bussink, Patrick Gorton, Gregory Gilbert, Kimberly Dorn, M B Van Gavigan, Danny Brack, Joe Graybill, Christopher McCormick, Scott Novack, Karen Savard, Nanette Carpenter, Steven Thornhill, Joseph Full Cast, A Lewis, James Lynch, Dylan Rohan, Richard Casey, Michael John Strain, Alexander
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Violence of the Mountain Man [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, J A Johnstone, William W Delany, Colleen Casey, Michael John Wilmoth, Alyssa Penny, Thomas Jackson, Ken Coyne, David Lewis, James Keegan, Thomas Tuazon, Yazmin Rohan, Richard Messner, Eric Brack, Joe Savard, Nanette Kopas, Drew Jernigan, Elizabeth Full Cast, A Dettweiler, Johann Depinto, Nick Strain, Alexander Aselford, Terence Carpenter, Steven Lynch, Dylan Smith, Bradley Carlin, Tim
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Redemption [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Carpenter, Steven Thornhill, Joseph Gorton, Gregory Gavigan, Danny Brack, Joe Keegan, Thomas Wilmoth, Alyssa Rohan, Richard Jackson, Ken Foster, Kate Penny, Thomas Konicek, James Simpson, Sherri Strain, Alexander Gilbert, Kimberly Dorn, M B Van Aselford, Terence Smith, Bradley Platt, Casie Savard, Nanette Coyne, David Lasskey, Sunny Full Cast, A Graybill, Christopher
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD