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Stovall, David O. books & textbook

Cultivating Social Justice Teachers

Sapp, Jeff  Zenkov, Kristien  Gorski, Paul C.  Osei-Kofi, Nana  Stovall, David O.  

Routledge /2012-11-05 Paperback / 244 Pages
isbn-10: 1579228887 / isbn-13: 9781579228880

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Teacher Educators As Critical Storytellers: Effective Teachers As Windows and Mirrors

Williams, Dawn G.  Ladson-Billings, Gloria  Fenwick, Leslie T.  Stovall, David O.  Ellis, Antonio L.  

Blackstone Pub /2021-06-08 Audio CD / 1 Pages


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The Case for Affirmative Action on Campus

Zamani-Gallaher, Eboni M.  O’Neil Green, Denise  Stovall, David O.  Brown II, M. Christopher  

Routledge /2009-04-30 Paperback / 348 Pages
isbn-10: 1579221033 / isbn-13: 9781579221034

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