Steven F. Schroeder books & textbook
The Best of John Jobson: A Treasury of Twenty Years (Big Game Heritage)
John Jobson Steven F. Schroeder
Amwell Press /1982T Leather Bound / 396 Pages
Dynamic Faces: Insights from Experiments and Computation (Mit Press)
Curio, Project Leader Cristóbal Bülthoff, Director Heinrich H Giese, Martin A Poggio, Professor Tomaso A Curio, Project Leader Cristóbal Bülthoff, Director Heinrich H Giese, Martin A Johnston, Alan O'Toole, Alice Roark, Dana Butcher, Natalie Lander, Karen Breidt, Martin Kleiner, Mario Knappmeyer, Barbara Hill, Harold Leopold, David Shepherd, Director Stephen V Ghazanfar, Asif A Puce, Aina Schroeder, Charles E Vuilleumier, Patrik Righart, Ruthger Gelder, Beatrice de Stock, J Van Den Sinha, Professor Pawan Serre, Thomas Bartlett, Marian Stewart Littlewort, Gwen Vural, Esra Whitehill, Jake Wu, Tingfan Lee, Kang Movellan, Javier Boker, Steven M Cohn, Jeffrey F Walder, Christian Schölkopf, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent in Tübingen Germany Professor for Machine Lea Bernhard
MIT Press /2010-10-22 Hardcover / 283 Pages
isbn-10: 026201453X / isbn-13: 9780262014533