Spotted Dog Press books & textbook
Grand Canyon Treks
Butchart, Harvey Butchart, Harvey Visbak, Jorgen Benti, Wynne Spotted Dog Press Spotted Dog Press
Spotted Dog Press (CA) /1996-06-01 Paperback / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 0964753022 / isbn-13: 9780964753020
Death Valley to Yosemite: Frontier Mining Camps & Ghost Towns--The Men, The Women, Their Mines and Stories
Belden, L. Burr DeDecker, Mary Varied Benti, Wynne Spotted Dog Press, Inc.
Spotted Dog Pr /2000-12-31 Paperback / 192 Pages
isbn-10: 0964753081 / isbn-13: 9780964753082