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Sheila Purdy books & textbook

Why Should I Give a ***** about Quality?: Understanding and Profiting From the Customer-Led Quality Revolution

Purdy, Dr. Ian  Purdy, Sheila  

Lulu Publishing Services /2015-05-12 Paperback / 210 Pages
isbn-10: 148343138X / isbn-13: 9781483431383

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Niepoprawna mnogosc

Lucy Caldwell  Yan Ge  Paul McVeigh  Danielle McLaughlin  Louise O'Neill  Wendy Erskine  Elske Rahill  Sheila Purdy  Melatu Uche Okorie  Jan Carson  Stuart Neville  Kit de Waal  Darran Anderson  Belinda McKeon  Eimear McBride  

Wydawnictwo Pauza /2021-07-01 Paperback / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 8396089035 / isbn-13: 9788396089038

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