Setjo, Lilin Widi Rahayu books & textbook
Oceans of Poems: An Anthology by Women Poets of the World
Thomson Editor, Darlene Bedore, Vickie Kay, Terra Morin, Arlene Setjo, Lilin Widi Rahayu Thomson, Darlene Thomson, Wilma Ware, Jade "Jimmie" Wong, Danielle
Independently published /2024-12-09 Paperback / 222 Pages
A Woman's Perspective: An Anthology from Women Poets of the World
Thomson Editor, Darlene Bedore, Vickie Caldwell, Renee Murphy, Melissa Setjo, Lilin Widi Rahayu Smith, Gayle Thomson, Darlene Thomson, Wilma Vizuete, Christine Wagner, N.K.
KDP /2022-01-19 Paperback / 107 Pages
Petals of Prose
Thomson, Darlene Bedore, Vickie Kay, Terra Setjo, Lilin Widi Rahayu Thomson, Wilma Thomson, Darlene Dowell, Kathryne
Independently published /2023-12-25 Paperback / 95 Pages
Timeless: An Anthology from Women Poets of the World
Thomson, Darlene Bedore, Vickie Lale, Rupali Gore Phelan, Wendy Emphatic Tigress Setjo, Lilin Widi Rahayu Smith, Gayle Thomson, Darlene Thomson, Wilma
Independently published /2023-03-02 Paperback / 100 Pages
Our United Voices: -Revisited- Book 2
Franklin, Jacqueline Spooner, Garry Phelan, Wendy Dawn Samanta, Akshaya Kumar Rahayu Setjo, Lilin Widi Clapsaddle, Harold (Bo) Thomson, Darlene
Independently published /2019-11-20 Paperback / 141 Pages
isbn-10: 1709783699 / isbn-13: 9781709783692