book price comparison

Sebanz, Natalie books & textbook

Disorders of Volition (Bradford Books)

Sebanz, Natalie  Prinz, Director Wolfgang  

Bradford Book /2009-09-01 Paperback / 493 Pages
isbn-10: 0262513420 / isbn-13: 9780262513425

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Perception and Action in a Social Context (Elements in Perception)

Azaad, Shaheed  Knoblich, Günther  Sebanz, Natalie  

Cambridge University Press /2021-12-23 Paperback / 75 Pages
isbn-10: 100901420X / isbn-13: 9781009014205

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You are always on my Mind: Representing Others' Actions and Intentions

Natalie Sebanz  

Logos Verlag Berlin /2004T Paperback
isbn-10: 3832505644 / isbn-13: 9783832505646

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