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Searle, N. D. books & textbook

Mind: A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, vol. LXVII (67), no. 266 (April 1958): John R. Searle on Proper Names, Ernest Gellner on Time & Theory in Anthropology, Irving Copi on Tractatus

Mind Association  Irving M. Copi  John R. Searle  John King-Farlow  H. N. Lee  Nicholas Rescher  A. R. White  Bernard Berofsky  C. P. Wormell  Norwood R. Hanson  G. B. Keene  J. L. Ackrill  Thomas McPherson  C. D. Broad  

Thomas Nelson & Sons (Edinburgh) /1958T Journal / 148 Pages


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Ensign Magazine, Volume 22 Number 2, February 1992

Thomas S. Monson  Chris Conkling  Richard Lloyd Anderson  Reggie R. Van Wagoner  Joseph Walker  LaRene Gaunt  Don L. Searle  Giles H. Florence  Jean N. Tinto  Ronald D. Maines  Rex D. Pinegar  

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints /1992T Single Issue Magazine / 80 Pages


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Plastics and Coatings: Durability, Stabilization, Testing

Ryntz, Rose A.  Bauer, David R.  Fraser, K.  Glogovsky, T.  Hardcastle, K.  Iyengar, R.  Legrand, Donald G.  Martin, J. W.  Perera, D. Y.  Picket, J. E.  Ravichandran, R.  Ryntz, Rose A.  Searle, N. D.  

Hanser Pub Inc /2001-02-15 Hardcover / 350 Pages
isbn-10: 1569902909 / isbn-13: 9781569902905

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