Scott, Maria Luisa books & textbook
From Little's Law to Marketing Science: Essays in Honor of John D.C. Little (Mit Press)
Hauser, John R Urban, Glen L Urban, Glen L Hauser, John R Danaher, Peter J Lee, Janghyuk Kerbache, Laoucine Roberts, John H Srivastava, Rajendara Morrison, Pamela D Drèze, Xavier Bonfrer, André Abe, Makoto Yamanaka, Masahiko Montoya, Ricardo Netzer, Oded Jedidi, Kamel Liberali, Guilherme MacDonald, Erin Bordley, Robert Toubia, Olivier Evgeniou, Theodoros Befurt, Rene Dzyabura, Daria Valentini, Sara Montaguti, Elisa Neslin, Scott A Moe, Wendy W Trusov, Michael Mayzlin, Dina Shin, Jiwoong Salisbury, Linda Court Feinberg, Fred M Ceprini, Maria Luisa Little, John D C
MIT Press /2016-01-15 Hardcover / 496 Pages
isbn-10: 026202991X / isbn-13: 9780262029919
The New Complete Book of Pasta: An Italian Cookbook Revised edition by Scott, Maria Luisa; Scott, Jack Denton published by William Morrow & Co Hardcover
William Morrow & Co /1985-10-01 Hardcover
Cook Like a Peasant, Eat Like a King
Scott, Maria Luisa and Jack Denton Scott
Follett Publishing Co /1976T Hardcover / 193 Pages
isbn-10: 0695805924 / isbn-13: 9780695805920
The Bean, Pea & Lentil Cookbook
Scott, Maria Luisa Scott, Jack Denton
Consumer Reports Books /1999T Plastic Comb / 216 Pages
isbn-10: 0890433631 / isbn-13: 9780890433638
Informal Dinners for Easy Entertaining
Simon & Schuster /1976-02-12 Hardcover / 256 Pages
isbn-10: 0671220926 / isbn-13: 9780671220921
La nueva longevidad: Cómo adaptarse a los desafíos de una vida más larga
Gratton, Lynda Scott, Andrew J. Rodríguez Tapia, María Luisa
Galaxia Gutenberg, S.L. /2021-06-02 Paperback / 280 Pages
isbn-10: 841821855X / isbn-13: 9788418218552
Meat and Potatoes: The Essential Cookbook
Scott, Maria Luisa Scott, Jack Denton
Galahad Books /1993-01-01 Hardcover
isbn-10: 0883658119 / isbn-13: 9780883658116
A World of Pasta: Unique Pasta Recipes from Around the World
Scott, Maria Luisa Scott, Jack Denton
Bbs Pub Corp /1996T Hardcover / 240 Pages
isbn-10: 0883656671 / isbn-13: 9780883656679
Bean, Pea & Lentil Cookbook - 150 Creative Legume Recipes For Entrees, Soups, Salads, And Side Dishes - Consumer Reports Books
Consumer Report Books / Unknown Binding
The Incredible Potato Cookbook
Scott, Maria Luisa Scott, Jack Denton
Consumer Reports Books /1992T Paperback / 211 Pages
isbn-10: 0890434565 / isbn-13: 9780890434567