Schneider, Richard J. books & textbook
Intersectionality and Higher Education: Identity and Inequality on College Campuses
Byrd, W. Carson Brunn-Bevel, Rachelle J. Ovink, Sarah M. Brunn-Bevel, Rachelle J. Ovink, Sarah M. Byrd, W. Carson Mahoney, Antron D Cuellar, Marcela G. Johnson-Ahorlu, R. Nicole Jones, Terry-Ann Warnock, Deborah M. Clayton, Kristen A. Ray, Victor E. Lee, Elizabeth M. Maynard, Tonya Goerisch, Denise Richards, Bedelia N. Jones Gast, Melanie Matthew, Ervin (Maliq) Brooms, Derrick R. Mohajeri, Orkideh Rodriguez, Fernando schneider, finn Rowe-Allen, Ophelie Smith, Meredith Lane, Tonisha B. Vaccaro, Annemarie Kimball, Ezekiel Nanney, Megan Iverson, Susan V.
Rutgers University Press /2019-05-03 Paperback / 306 Pages
isbn-10: 0813597668 / isbn-13: 9780813597669
Thoreau's Sense of Place: Essays in American Environmental Writing (American Land & Life)
Schneider, Richard J. Buell, Lawrence
University Of Iowa Press /2000-05-01 Paperback / 324 Pages
isbn-10: 0877457204 / isbn-13: 9780877457206
Estimating Causal Effects Using Experimental and Observational Designs
Schneider, Barbara Carnoy, Martin Kilpatrick, Jeremy Schmidt, William H. Shavelson, Richard J.
Amer Educational Research Assn /2007T Paperback / 142 Pages
isbn-10: 9353023440 / isbn-13: 9789353023447
Toward Mach 2: The Douglas D-558 Program (The NASA History Series)
Administration, National Aeronautics and Space Butchart, Stanley P. Champine, Robert A. Crossfield, A. Scott Griffith, John Hallion, Richard P. Schneider, Edward T. Hunley, J.D.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2013-11-18 Paperback / 174 Pages
isbn-10: 149379423X / isbn-13: 9781493794232
Water: A Vic Bengston Investigation by Richard J. Schneider (2012-11-06)
South Platte Publishing / Paperback
Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-being, and Sustainability
Dannenberg, Andrew L. Frumkin, Howard Jackson, Richard J. Abrams, Robin Fran Malizia, Emil Wendel, Arthur Sallis, James Millstein, Rachel A. Carlson, Jordan A. Cannuscio, Carolyn Glanz, Karen Samet, Jonathan Sleet, David A. Naumann, Rebecca B. Rudd, Rose Anne Backer, Lorraine Sullivan, William C. Cheng, Chun-Yen Eicher, Caitlin Kawachi, Ichiro Kochtitzky, Chirs S. Krieger, James Jacobs, David E. Heidel, Donna S Schulte, Paul Gillen, Matt Chosewood, L. Casey York, Liz Wallingford, Kenneth M. Wagner, Greg Zimring, Craig DuBose, Jennifer Fox, Jared Ewing PhD, Reid Meakins, Gail Bjarnson, Grace Hilton, Holly Quinn-Hurst, Colin Beatley, Timothy Schneider, Margaret Feldstein, Lisa M. Aboelata, Manal Ersoylu, Leah Cohen, Larry Botchwey, Nisha Trowbridge, Matthew J. Johnson, Jennifer C. Galea, Sandro Capon, Anthony G. Thompson, Susan
Island Press /2011-08-25 Hardcover / 440 Pages
isbn-10: 1597267260 / isbn-13: 9781597267267
Approaches to Teaching Thoreau's Walden and Other Works (Approaches to Teaching World Literature)
Modern Language Association of America /1996-01-01 Paperback / 223 Pages
isbn-10: 0873527348 / isbn-13: 9780873527347
Drugs, Alcohol, and Social Problems (Understanding Social Problems: An SSSP Presidential Series)
Orcutt, James D. Rudy, David R. Adler, Patricia A. Adler, Peter Aniskiewicz, Richard Backman, Jerald G. Barnes, Grace M. Barr, Kellie E.M. Beckett, Katherine Bourgois author of In Search of Re, Philippe Farrell, Michael P. Faupel, Charles E. Gusfield, Joseph R. Herd, Denise Kantor, Glenda Kaufman Klockars, Carl B. Lettiere, Mark Quesada, James Rouse, Timothy P. Schneider, Joseph W. Straus, Murray A. Turner, J Blake Unnithan, Prabha N. Wallace Jr., John M. Weider, D Lawrence Welte, John W. Wright, David Wysong, Earl Zimmerman, Don H.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2003-09-03 Paperback / 304 Pages
isbn-10: 0742528456 / isbn-13: 9780742528451
Deviance: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach (The Reynolds Series in Sociology)
Herman, Nancy J. Adler, Patricia A. Becker, Howard S. Cahill, Spencer E. Cloward, Richard A. Conrad, Peter Cressey, Donald R. Darden, Donna Davis, Fred Desroches, Frederick J. Dunlap, Eloise Durkheim, Emile Duster Emeritus Chancellor's Pro, Troy English, Cliff Fishbein, Diane H. Foltz, Tanice G. Forsyth, Craig J. Goffman, Erving Haas, Jack Hamid, Ansley D. Hirschi, Travis Johnson, Bruce D. Kowalewski, Mark R. Lemert, Edward M. Levi, Ken Liska, Allen Loseke, Donileen R. Lozano, Wendy G. Luckenbill, David Meehan, Albert J. Meisenhelder, Thomas Merton University Professor Emer, Robert K. Monti, Daniel J. Murphy, Sheigla Muzzatti Toronto Metropolitan University, Stephen L. Nagler, Mark Ohlin, Lloyd E. Pfohl, Stephen J. Reiman, Jeffrey R. Reinarman, Craig Rosenhan, D.L Schneider, Joseph W. Scott, Robert A. Sutherland, Edwin H. Tewksbury, Richard Thio, Alex Thomson, Douglas Troiden, Richard Waldorf, Dan Williams The New School for Social, Terry Worden, Stephen Vold, George B.
AltaMira Press /1995-01-01 Paperback / 640 Pages
isbn-10: 1882289382 / isbn-13: 9781882289387
Civilizing Thoreau: Human Ecology and the Emerging Social Sciences in the Major Works (Mind and American Literature, 2)
Camden House /2016-05-01 Hardcover / 222 Pages
isbn-10: 1571139605 / isbn-13: 9781571139603