Robert Tuesley Anderson books & textbook
Recipes from the World of Tolkien: Inspired by the Legends (Literary Cookbooks)
Thunder Bay Press /2020-10-13 Hardcover / 176 Pages
isbn-10: 1645174425 / isbn-13: 9781645174424
Jane Austen's Table: Recipes Inspired by the Works of Jane Austen (Literary Cookbooks)
Thunder Bay Press /2022-03-08 Hardcover / 160 Pages
isbn-10: 1645179133 / isbn-13: 9781645179139
The Elven Cookbook: Recipes Inspired by the Elves of Tolkien (Literary Cookbooks)
Thunder Bay Press /2023-01-10 Hardcover / 160 Pages
isbn-10: 1667202375 / isbn-13: 9781667202372
The Brothers Grimm Cookbook: Recipes Inspired by Fairy Tales (Literary Cookbooks)
Thunder Bay Press /2022-08-30 Hardcover / 176 Pages
isbn-10: 166720081X / isbn-13: 9781667200811
The Elven Cookbook: A Recipe Book Inspired by the Elves of Tolkien
Pyramid /2022-01-01 Hardcover / 160 Pages
isbn-10: 0753734680 / isbn-13: 9780753734681
Rights for Migrants and Refugees: How You Can Make a Difference (Be the Change!)
Brown Bear Books /2024-01-01 Library Binding / 32 Pages
isbn-10: 1781219486 / isbn-13: 9781781219485
A tavola con Jane Austen
Guido Tommasi Editore /2022-10-01 Hardcover / 160 Pages
isbn-10: 8867533533 / isbn-13: 9788867533534
Le ricette dal mondo di Tolkien. Per deliziosi, irresistibili banchetti
Demetra /2022-01-01 Hardcover / 175 Pages
isbn-10: 8844077124 / isbn-13: 9788844077129
Receitas do mundo de Tolkien pratos faceis e saborosos inspirados nas lendas da Terra-media (Em Portugues do Brasil)
FisicalBook /2019T Hardcover
isbn-10: 6555372494 / isbn-13: 9786555372496
Receitas dos Elfos pratos faceis e saborosos inspirados no mundo de Tolkien (Em Portugues do Brasil)
FisicalBook /2019T Hardcover
isbn-10: 655537246X / isbn-13: 9786555372465