Robert L. Koepke books & textbook
Church History (Volume 64 Number 4, December 1995)
Margo Todd John R. Tyson Robert L. Koepke Laurie F. Maffly Kipp John G. Stackhouse Jerald C. Brauer Martin E. Marty
American Society of Church History /1995T Single Issue Magazine / 240 Pages
“Collector’s Edition” Propagation and detection of radio signals before, during, and after the implosion of a large convention center Volume NIST Technical Note 1542 [Premium Leather Bound]
Rare Biblio /2024T Leather Bound / 126 Pages
“Collector’s Edition” Measurements to support modulated-signal radio transmissions for the public-safety sector Volume NIST Technical Note 1546 [Premium Leather Bound]
Rare Biblio /2024T Leather Bound / 262 Pages