Rhegius, Urbanus books & textbook
Preaching the Reformation: The Homiletical Handbook of Urbanus Rhegius (Reformation Texts With Translation (1350-1650). Theology and Piety, V. 2.)
Rhegius, Urbanus Hendrix, Scott H.
Marquette Univ Pr /2003T Paperback / 115 Pages
isbn-10: 0874627079 / isbn-13: 9780874627077
Breve Tratado De Doctrina: Util Para Todo Cristiano (Spanish Edition)
Río, Luis Usoz Y Pérez, Juan Rhegius, Urbanus
Ulan Press /2012-08-31 Paperback / 422 Pages
“Collector’s Edition” Breve tratado de doctrina: Util para todo cristiano 1852 [Premium Leather Bound]
Urbanus] [Rhegius , Juan Pérez, Luis Usoz y Río
Rare Biblio /2024T Leather Bound / 426 Pages
“Collector’s Edition” En Christelig Bønebog met mange Gudelige Bøner oc Bekendelser til Gud ... ; Met Pater noster, oc de Ti Guds Bud kortelig forklaret. Met en skøn Vnderuissn [Premium Leather Bound]
Rare Biblio /2023T Leather Bound / 464 Pages
“Collector’s Edition” Siælens Lægedom, for de karske oc siuge, i disse farlige tider, oc i døds nød, Vrbanus Rhegius, [oversat af Matth. Parvus] 1561 [Premium Leather Bound]
Rare Biblio /2023T Leather Bound / 216 Pages
“Collector’s Edition” The tolff Article aff wor christelige Tro met then Hellige Scriftis Forclarelsze oc wdleggelsze, [Urbanus Rhegius] 1528 [Premium Leather Bound]
Rare Biblio /2023T Leather Bound / 130 Pages
Siælens Lægedom, for de karske oc siuge, i disse farlige tider, oc i døds nød, Vrbanus Rhegius, [oversat af Matth. Parvus] 1561 [Leather Bound]
Generic /2019T Leather Bound / 216 Pages
Simolachri, historie, e figure de la morte. La medicina de l'anima [di Urbanus Rhegius] Il modo, e la via di consolar gl'infermi. Un sermone di San Cipriano, de la mortalità. Due orationi, l'una à Dio
Generic /2019T Leather Bound / 296 Pages
The tolff Article aff wor christelige Tro met then Hellige Scriftis Forclarelsze oc wdleggelsze, [Urbanus Rhegius] 1528 [Leather Bound]
Generic /2019T Leather Bound / 130 Pages
Urbanus Rhegius: Wie man fuersichtiglich und ohne Aergerniss reden soll von den fuernemesten ... 1908 [Leather Bound]
Generic /2019T Leather Bound / 116 Pages