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Reedy S.J., Gerard books & textbook

The Bible and Reason: Anglicans and Scripture in Late Seventheenth-Century England (Anniversary Collection)

S.J., Gerard Reedy  

University of Pennsylvania Press Anniversary Collection /1985-06-29 Hardcover / 192 Pages
isbn-10: 0812279751 / isbn-13: 9780812279757

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Theology and Literature in the Age of Johnson: Resisting Secularism

New, Melvyn  Reedy S.J., Gerard  New, Melvyn  Wehrs, Donald R.  Dussinger, John A.  Janes, Regina  Taylor, E. Derek  Walker, Robert G.  Müller, Patrick  Scherwatzky, Steven  Kickel, Katherine  Seager, Nicholas  Newton, Geoff  Stark, Ryan J.  McInelly, Brett C.  Tankard, Paul  Heller, Deborah  de Bruyn, Frans  Lund, Roger D.  Zimpfer, Nathalie  

University of Delaware Press /2012-06-14 Paperback / 378 Pages
isbn-10: 164453097X / isbn-13: 9781644530979

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