book price comparison

Rechnitz, Garry A. books & textbook

Kinetics in Analytical Chemistry

Mark. Harry B and Rechnitz. Garry A  

Interscience Pub /1968T Hardcover


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Controlled-Potential Analysis

Garry A Rechnitz  Belcher  

Pergamon Press; distributed by Macmillan /1963-01-01 Hardcover / 85 Pages


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Immunochemical Assays and Biosensor Technology for the 1990s

Nakamura, Robert M.  Kasahara, Yasushi  Rechnitz, Garry A.  

Amer Society for Microbiology /1992T Hardcover / 411 Pages
isbn-10: 1555810403 / isbn-13: 9781555810405

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Controlled-Potential Analysis: International Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry

Rechnitz, Garry A.  

Pergamon /2013-12-28 Paperback / 98 Pages
isbn-10: 1483122840 / isbn-13: 9781483122847

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Controlled Potential Analysis: International Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry, V13

Rechnitz, Garry Arthur  

Literary Licensing, LLC /2012-03-17 Paperback / 98 Pages
isbn-10: 1258241935 / isbn-13: 9781258241933

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