Ranganayakulu, S.V. books & textbook
Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering: Proceedings of the 6th ICIECE 2017 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 33)
Saini, H. S. Singh, Ravi Kishore Patel, Vishal M. Santhi, K. Ranganayakulu, S.V.
Springer /2018-08-29 Paperback / 535 Pages
isbn-10: 9811082030 / isbn-13: 9789811082030
Rastreamento celular convectivo através da Visão Computadorizada baseada no Aprendizado Profundo (Portuguese Edition)
Edicoes Nosso Conhecimento /2021-02-09 Paperback / 76 Pages
isbn-10: 6203309893 / isbn-13: 9786203309898
Śledzenie komórek konwekcyjnych poprzez komputerową wizję opartą na głębokim uczeniu się: Algorytm oparty na Pythonie do identyfikacji i śledzenia komórek konwekcyjnych (Polish Edition)
Ranganayakulu, S V Subrahmanyam, K V Niranjan, Akella
Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza /2021-02-10 Paperback / 76 Pages
isbn-10: 6203309885 / isbn-13: 9786203309881
Convectief volgen van cellen door middel van Deep Learning based Computer Vision: Python-gebaseerd algoritme voor convectieve celidentificatie en -tracering (Dutch Edition)
Ranganayakulu, S V Subrahmanyam, K V Niranjan, Akella
Uitgeverij Onze Kennis /2021-02-11 Paperback / 76 Pages
isbn-10: 6203309877 / isbn-13: 9786203309874
Tracciamento convettivo delle cellule attraverso la visione computerizzata basata sull'apprendimento profondo (Italian Edition)
Ranganayakulu, S V Subrahmanyam, K V Niranjan, Akella
Edizioni Sapienza /2021-02-11 Paperback / 76 Pages
isbn-10: 6203309869 / isbn-13: 9786203309867
Le suivi des cellules convectives grâce à la vision par ordinateur basée sur l'apprentissage profond: Algorithme basé sur Python pour l'identification ... des cellules convectives (French Edition)
Ranganayakulu, S V Subrahmanyam, K V Niranjan, Akella
Editions Notre Savoir /2021-02-09 Paperback / 76 Pages
isbn-10: 6203309850 / isbn-13: 9786203309850
Konvektive Zellverfolgung durch auf tiefem Lernen basierende Computer Vision (German Edition)
Verlag Unser Wissen /2021-02-09 Paperback / 76 Pages
isbn-10: 6203309818 / isbn-13: 9786203309812
Convective Cell Tracking through Deep Learning based Computer Vision: Python-Based Algorithm for Identification & Tracking of Convective Cells using Doppler Weather Radar Reflectivity Images
Ranganayakulu, S. V. Subrahmanyam, K. V. Niranjan, Akella
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing /2020-12-15 Paperback / 76 Pages
isbn-10: 6203194816 / isbn-13: 9786203194814
New Frontiers in Material Science: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Innovation and Technologies
Prakash, Kolla Bhanu Ranganayakulu, S. V. Rao, K. S. Jagannatha
Wiley-Scrivener /2025-08-19 Hardcover / 352 Pages
isbn-10: 1394314892 / isbn-13: 9781394314898