Platt, R. Eric books & textbook
Persistence through Peril: Episodes of College Life and Academic Endurance in the Civil War South
Platt, R. Eric Foster, Holly A.
University Press of Mississippi /2021-10-15 Paperback / 280 Pages
isbn-10: 1496835042 / isbn-13: 9781496835048
Educating the Sons of Sugar: Jefferson College and the Creole Planter Class of South Louisiana
University Alabama Press /2019-05-14 Paperback / 312 Pages
isbn-10: 0817359516 / isbn-13: 9780817359515
Guns 360: Differing Perspectives and Common-Sense Approaches to Firearms in America
See, Eric S. Bellas, Christopher M. See, Sarah A. Baker, Josiah R. Bellas, Christopher M. Binns, Joseph Birmingham, Kayla Brosh, Mikaela Cronin, Christopher Lee Dobra, Matthew Downs, Steve Foster, Michelle L. Kline, Mark Knudson, Paul Koncaba, Sabrina Lapcevich, Haley Lewis, J. Scott Llamas, Bertha Long, Lisa G. Mackey, David A. Merrill, Monica Moreschi, Amanda Morris, Deborah Platt, Courtney Potts, Michael Regensburger, Mark R. See, Eric S. See, Sarah A. Shaughnessy, Justin Shoenberger, Nicole A. Simon, Jason Swift, Kevin Szewczyk, Robert Trigoboff, Dan Vecellio, Mark Weinbrenner, Karla Wilson, Mary G. Wulff, David Yeung, Madeline
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2022-06-22 Hardcover / 472 Pages
isbn-10: 1538140675 / isbn-13: 9781538140673
The Six-Gun Tarot [Dramatized Adaptation]
Belcher, R S Beacon, Lily Harris, Laura C Sheir, Rebecca Yeh, Jacob Nam, Tony Graybill, Christopher Wannall, Steve Getman, Tim Olivera, Tracy Davenport, Chris Casey, Michael John Aselford, Terence Platt, Casie Supan, Rose Elizabeth Church, Jonathon Scheeren, Christopher Lynch, Dylan Jackson, Ken Rone, J W Casey, Evan Keegan, Thomas Delany, Colleen Jourdan, David Pabon, Tim Kasey, Ren Brownstein, Andy Glenn, Michael Savard, Nanette Konicek, James Brack, Joe Shelby, Mort Brown, Doug Feuer, Jonathan Olinick, Sasha Coyne, David Smith, Bradley Beeman, Duane Messner, Eric McCormick, Scott Rohan, Richard Allin, Jeff Harris, David Carpenter, Steven Bassett, Matthew Full Cast, A Stoller, Dani
Graphic Audio /2020-06-04 Audio CD
Riding for the Flag [Dramatized Adaptation]
Woolard, Jim R Achrati, Nora Rauscher, Bruce Alan Messner, Eric Glenn, Michael Brack, Joe Penning, Marni Nam, Tony Redmond, Lawrence Aselford, Terence Church, Jonathon Depinto, Nick Scheeren, Chris Genebach, Chris Bassett, Matthew Bussink, Patrick McCormick, Scott McGee, Matthew Full Cast, A Singdahlsen, Eric Casey, Michael John Platt, Casie Brownstein, Andy Donnelly, Maggie Jourdan, David Wooddell, Gregory Watkins, Jonathan
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Shotgun Arcana (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Belcher, R S Platt, Casie Harris, Laura C Sheir, Rebecca Yeh, Jacob McCormick, Scott Delany, Colleen Tuazon, Yasmin Linington, Gregory McGee, Matthew Messner, Eric Depinto, Nick Penny, Thomas Graybill, Christopher Scheeren, Chris Forstrom, Amanda Gilbert, Kimberly Full Cast, A Stoller, Dani Brack, Joe Smith, Bradley Rone, J W Casey, Evan Graham, Scott Rohan, Richard Wannall, Steve Keenan, Matthew Davenport, Chris Glenn, Michael Savard, Nanette Harris, David Carpenter, Steven Feuer, Jonathan Clemence, Andy A Russell, Jefferson Lynch, Dylan Getman, Tim Ingvarsson, Nanna Singdahlsen, Eric Achrati, Nora Aselford, Terence Konicek, James Kasey, Ren Brownstein, Andy Bassett, Matthew Walker, Christopher Jourdan, David
Graphic Audio /2020-06-04 Audio CD
Beyond the Blue Moon (2 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Green, Simon R Foster, Kate Getman, Tim Keegan, Thomas Platt, Casie Rohan, Richard Glenn, Michael Scheeren, Christopher Jackson, Ken Kasey, Ren Stoddard, Ted McCormick, Scott Brack, Joe Aselford, Terence Messner, Eric Clemence, Andy Dorn, M B Van Full Cast, A Gavigan, Danny Tompros, Margie Graybill, Christopher Casey, Michael John Tuazon, Yasmin Savard, Nanette Shelby, Mort
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Beyond the Blue Moon (3 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Green, Simon R Glenn, Michael Platt, Casie Graybill, Christopher Jackson, Ken Scheeren, Christopher Aselford, Terence Stoddard, Ted McCormick, Scott Kasey, Ren Full Cast, A Messner, Eric Brack, Joe Delany, Colleen Gavigan, Danny Clemence, Andy Savard, Nanette Casey, Michael John Tompros, Margie Konicek, James Shelby, Mort Tuazon, Yasmin Rohan, Richard Getman, Tim Keegan, Thomas Dorn, M B Van
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Shotgun Arcana (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Belcher, R S Redmond, Lawrence Feuer, Jonathan McCormick, Scott A Russell, Jefferson Tuazon, Yasmin Supan, Rose Elizabeth Depinto, Nick Aselford, Terence Jourdan, David Smith, Bradley Kasey, Ren Singdahlsen, Eric Rone, J W Bassett, Matthew Walker, Christopher Clemence, Andy Brack, Joe Brownstein, Andy Yeh, Jacob Graham, Scott Delany, Colleen Wannall, Steve Harris, Laura C McGee, Matthew Sheir, Rebecca Casey, Michael John Penny, Thomas Stoller, Dani Getman, Tim Harris, David Messner, Eric Beeman, Duane Gilbert, Kimberly Full Cast, A Nam, Tony Graybill, Christopher Lynch, Dylan Forstrom, Amanda Casey, Evan Achrati, Nora Rohan, Richard Bussink, Patrick Jackson, Ken Keenan, Matthew Ingvarrson, Nanna Glenn, Michael Savard, Nanette Scheeren, Christopher Linington, Gregory Platt, Casie Davenport, Chris
Graphic Audio /2020-06-04 Audio CD
Once in a Blue Moon (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Green, Simon R McCormick, Scott Walker, Christopher Coyne, David Watkins, Jonathan Brownstein, Andy Glenn, Michael Jernigan, Elizabeth Rohan, Richard Dow, John Jackson, Ken Clemence, Andy Savard, Nanette Brack, Joe Allin, Jeff Singdahlsen, Eric Depinto, Nick Full Cast, A Tuazon, Yasmin Graybill, Christopher Ebrahimzadeh, Maboud Supan, Rose Elizabeth Jourdan, David Aselford, Terence Kasey, Ren Smith, Bradley Yeh, Jacob Keegan, Thomas Beacon, Lily Konicek, James Messner, Eric Casey, Michael John Wannall, Steve Delany, Colleen McGee, Matthew Shelby, Mort Scheeren, Christopher Penny, Thomas Platt, Casie Getman, Tim Casey, Evan
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD