Platt, John M. books & textbook
The Lonely Stone Finds His Way Home
Platt, John M Rogers, Shannon R
Independently published /2022-12-25 Paperback / 24 Pages
Life in the Family Zoo
Dynamic Training & Seminars /1991T Paperback / 115 Pages
isbn-10: 0962444618 / isbn-13: 9780962444616
Neural Basis of Motivational and Cognitive Control (Mit Press)
Mars, Rogier B Sallet, Jérôme Rushworth, Matthew F S Yeung, Nick Sallet, Jérôme Mars, Rogier B Quilodran, René Procyk, Emmanuel Petrides, Michael Rushworth, Matthew F S Haber, Suzanne N Ullsperger, Professor Markus Boorman, Erie D Noonan, Maryann P Kennerley, Steven W Tobler, Philippe N Laubach, Mark Neubert, Franz-Xaver Pearson, John M Hayden, Benjamin Y Platt, Director Michael L Liljeholm, Mimi O'Doherty, John P Walton, Mark E Gan, Jerylin O Phillips, Paul E M Greenhouse, Ian Swann, Nicole C Aron, Adam Nieuwenhuis, Sander Bos, Wouter Van Den Crone, Eveline A Ridderinkhof, K Richard Cohen, Mike X Forstmann, Birte U Bruijn, Ellen R a de Ribas-Fernandes, José J F Niv, Yael Botvinick, Matthew M Cockburn, Jeffrey Frank, Michael Holroyd, Clay B Yeung, Nick Khamassi, Mehdi Wilson, Charles R E Rothe, Marie Shenoy, Pradeep Yu, Angela J Chierchia, Gabriele Coricelli, Giorgio Hunt, Laurence T Behrens, Timothy E J Bestmann, Sven
MIT Press /2011-10-21 Hardcover / 449 Pages
isbn-10: 0262016435 / isbn-13: 9780262016438
Theories of the Labor Movement
Nissen, Bruce Larson, Simeon Dunlop, John T. Hyman, Richard Lozovsky, A. Hammond, Thomas Taylor Trautmann, William John, Vincent St. Haywood, William Bohn, Frank Lorwin, Lewis Sorel, Georges Gorz, Andre Aronowitz, Stanley Commons, John R. Dawley, Alan Perlman, Selig Gulick, Charles A. Bers, Melvin K. Webb, Sidney Webb, Beatrice Parker, Carleton Hoxie, Robert Tannenbaum, Frank Veblen, Thorstein Ely, Richard T. XIII, Pope Leo XI, Pope Pius II, Pope John Paul Simons, Henry Phelps, Orme W. Friedman, Milton Friedman, Rose Freeman, Richard B. Medoff, James L. Kerr, Clark Harbison, Frederick H. Myers, Charles A. Chamberlain, Neil Mann, Michael Galbraith, John Kenneth Goldthorpe, John H. Lockwood, David Bechhofer, Frank Platt, Jennifer Laslett, John H.. M. Engels, Friedrich Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Marx, Karl
Wayne State University Press /1987-04-01 Paperback / 408 Pages
isbn-10: 0814318169 / isbn-13: 9780814318164
Eternal Journey [Dramatized Adaptation]
Archer, Alex Bennett, Nathan Stray, Peter Nam, Tony Brack, Joe Rohan, Richard Messner, Eric Full Cast, A Jackson, Ken Dorn, M B Van Lewis, James Casey, Michael John Rohan, Chris Aselford, Terence Carpenter, Steven Coyne, David Getman, Tim Platt, Casie Delany, Colleen Glenn, Michael Beacon, Lily Savard, Nanette Shelby, Mort
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Ranger's Trail [Dramatized Adaptation]
Kelton, Elmer Tuazon, Yasmin Aselford, Catherine Graybill, Christopher Shelby, Mort Carlin, Tim Platt, Casie Penny, Thomas Gavigan, Danny Lynch, Dylan Full Cast, A Lewis, James Glenn, Michael Jernigan, Elizabeth Dorn, M B Van Rohan, Richard Jackson, Ken McCormick, Scott Brack, Joe Getman, Tim Coyne, David Demery, Elisabeth Watkins, Jonathan Messner, Eric Clemence, Andy Kasey, Ren Aselford, Terence Kopas, Drew Beacon, Lily Savard, Nanette Stray, Peter Casey, Michael John
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Way of the Coyote [Dramatized Adaptation]
Kelton, Elmer Coyne, David Aselford, Catherine Rohan, Richard Jackson, Ken Carlin, Tim Aselford, Bobby Savard, Nanette Stray, Peter Messner, Eric Beacon, Lily Watkins, Jonathan Tuazon, Yasmin Dorn, M B Van Aselford, Terence Kopas, Drew Casey, Michael John Platt, Casie Full Cast, A Lewis, James Shelby, Mort Lynch, Dylan Demery, Elisabeth Graybill, Christopher Clemence, Andy Kasey, Ren Getman, Tim Glenn, Michael Brack, Joe Konicek, James
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Against the Odds (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Moon, Elizabeth Shelby, Mort Jernigan, Elizabeth Full Cast, A Kasey, Ren Dettweiler, Johann Thickpenny, Amanda Carlin, Tim Brack, Joe Delany, Colleen Demery, Elisabeth Glenn, Michael Lynch, Dylan Penny, Thomas Dorn, M B Van Konicek, James Jackson, Ken Clemence, Andy Tompros, Margie Stray, Peter McCormick, Scott Beacon, Lily Rohan, Richard Simpson, Tom Messner, Eric Coyne, David Savard, Nanette Foster, Kate Watkins, Jonathan David, Lilly Getman, Tim Nam, Tony Platt, Casie Graybill, Christopher Lewis, James Casey, Michael John Stiles, Jason Aselford, Terence Lasskey, Sunny
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Beyond the Blue Moon (2 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Green, Simon R Foster, Kate Getman, Tim Keegan, Thomas Platt, Casie Rohan, Richard Glenn, Michael Scheeren, Christopher Jackson, Ken Kasey, Ren Stoddard, Ted McCormick, Scott Brack, Joe Aselford, Terence Messner, Eric Clemence, Andy Dorn, M B Van Full Cast, A Gavigan, Danny Tompros, Margie Graybill, Christopher Casey, Michael John Tuazon, Yasmin Savard, Nanette Shelby, Mort
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Green Among Black: Poems
J., C.M., K.L.P., D.H.P., J.K.S. [Charles Jorgenson, Katherine Pease, Doris Platt, John Strong]
The College Printshop /1932T Paperback