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Person, Ann E. books & textbook

After Admission: From College Access to College Success

Rosenbaum, James E.  Deil-Amen, Regina  Person, Ann E.  

Russell Sage Foundation /2009-03-05 Paperback / 280 Pages
isbn-10: 0871547554 / isbn-13: 9780871547552

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Communication Supports Checklist: For Programs Serving Individuals With Severe Disabilities

McLean, Lee K.  Miller, Jon F.  Paul-Brown, Diane  Romski, Mary Ann  Rourk, Jane Davis  Yoder, David E.  McCarthy, Claire F.  National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons With s  McCarthy, Claire F.  

Paul H Brookes Pub Co /1705T Spiral-bound / 220 Pages
isbn-10: 1557663610 / isbn-13: 9781557663610

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Comprehensive Reform for Student Success: New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 176 (J-B CC Single Issue Community Colleges)

Maxwell, Nan L.  Person, Ann E.  

Jossey-Bass /2016-12-27 Paperback / 112 Pages
isbn-10: 1119348536 / isbn-13: 9781119348535

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