Perry, Edward L. books & textbook
Sea-Beans from the Tropics: A Collector's Guide to Sea-Beans and Other Tropical Drift on Atlantic Shores
Perry, Edward L. Dennis, John V. Katz, Cathie
Krieger Pub Co /2003T Hardcover / 217 Pages
isbn-10: 1575241811 / isbn-13: 9781575241814
The Biochemic Handbook: How to Get Well and Keep Fit With Biochemic Tissue Salts
Chapman, J. B. Perry, Edward L.
Formur Intl /1994T Paperback / 127 Pages
isbn-10: 0893780510 / isbn-13: 9780893780517
Personal Networks: Classic Readings and New Directions in Egocentric Analysis (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences)
Small, Mario L. Perry, Brea L. Pescosolido, Bernice Smith, Edward B.
Cambridge University Press /2021-11-25 Paperback / 770 Pages
isbn-10: 1108813917 / isbn-13: 9781108813914
Cerebral Plasticity: New Perspectives (Mit Press)
Chalupa, Vice President for Research Leo M Berardi, Nicoletta Caleo, Matteo Galli-Resta, Lucia Pizzorusso, Tommaso Berardi, Nicoletta Caleo, Matteo Galli-Resta, Lucia Pizzorusso, Tommaso Sale, Alessandro Baroncelli, Laura Maffei, Lamberto Coombs, Julie L Chalupa, Leo M Kim, In-Jung Sanes, Joshua R Chen, Chinfei Chapman, Barbara Wilson, Nathan R Sur, Professor of Neuroscience and Head Mriganka Huang, Z Josh Cristo, Graziella Di Chattopadhyaya, Bidisha Carmignoto, Giorgio Gómez-Gonzalo, Marta Hamilton, Andrew Zito, Karen Strata, Piergiorgio Mandolesi, Georgia Li, Ye Hooser, Stephen D Van White, Leonard E Fitzpatrick, Scientific Director and CEO David Morrone, Concetta M Burr, David C Stein, Barry E Jr, Thomas Perrault Stanford, Terrence R Rowland, Benjamin A Rauschecker, Josef P Recanzone, Gregg H Partridge, John G Vicini, Stefano Berlucchi, Giovanni Singer, Wolf Rizzolatti, Giacomo Fogassi, Leonardo Luppino, Giuseppe Markov, Nikola Ercsey-Ravasz, Maria-Magdolina Gariel-Mathis, Marie-Alice Dehay, Colette Knoblauch, Kenneth Toroczkai, Zoltan Kennedy, Henry Rossini, Paolo Maria Melgari, Jean-Marc Graziano, Alessandro Jones, Edward G Perry, V Hugh Cattaneo, Antonino Castrén, Eero Vetencourt, Jose Fernando Maya Cioni, Giovanni D'Acunto, Giulia Guzzetta, Andrea Schwab, Martin E Levi, Dennis
MIT Press /2011-05-20 Hardcover / 415 Pages
isbn-10: 0262015234 / isbn-13: 9780262015233
Fundamental Tax Reform: Issues, Choices, and Implications (Mit Press)
Diamond, Edward A and Hermena Kelly Research Fellow in Tax Policy John W Zodrow, Professor of Economics and Rice Scholar Baker Institute for Public Policy Rice University George R III, James A Baker Aaron, Henry J Alm, Professor of Economics and Chair Department of Economicssenior Associate International Studies PR James Altshuler, Associate Professor Rosanne Auerbach, Alan J Ballard, Professor Charles L Burman, Senior Fellow Leonard E Chirinko, Robert S Dietz, Robert D Gillis, Malcolm Gordon, Professor of Economics Roger H Gravelle, Jane G Grubert, Harry Gunning, Timothy S Harberger, Distinguished Professor of Economics Arnold C Hassett, Senior Fellow and Director of Economic Policy Studies Kevin A Kniesner, Krisher Professor of Economics PR Senior Research Associate Thomas J Kotlikoff, Laurence J McCaffery, Robert C Packard Trustee Chair in Law and Professor of Law Economics and Political Science Edward J Mieszkowski, Peter Moomau, Pamela Neubig, National Director of Quantitative Economics and Statistics Thomas S Newmark, Kathryn G Poterba, James M Rapson, David Saez, Professor of Economics Emmanuel Shaviro, Wayne Perry Professor of Taxation Daniel Sickles, Professor of Economics Robin Slemrod, Joel Strnad, Charles a Beardsley Professor of Law Jeff Viard, Resident Scholar Alan D Yin, Edwin S Cohen Distinguished Professor of Law & Taxation Class of 1966 Research Professor George Ziliak, Professor and Gatton Endowed Chair in Microeconomics Anddirector James P
MIT Press /2008-04-01 Hardcover / 546 Pages
isbn-10: 0262042479 / isbn-13: 9780262042475
The Biochemic Handbook
and Edward L. Perry Chapman J.B.
Formur, Inc. /1976-01-01 Mass Market Paperback
Huff, Tanya Hough, Jason M. Willett, Edward Ambrose, E.C. Modesitt Jr., L.E. Perry, Steve Murphy, Derryl Jessop, Blake Bucher, Troy Carrol Brandt, Gerald
Zombies Need Brains LLC /2024-07-15 Paperback / 223 Pages
isbn-10: 1940709741 / isbn-13: 9781940709741
Luyties Homeopathic Practice: A Homeopathic Medical Book for Family Use
Formur Intl. /1974T Paperback / 158 Pages
isbn-10: 0893780529 / isbn-13: 9780893780524
Century 21 Shorthand Outlines
Edward L Christensen Devern Perry Stanford D DeMille
Southwestern Publishing /1974-01-01 Paperback
isbn-10: 0538181508 / isbn-13: 9780538181501
Selections: Selected short fiction, nonfiction, poetry & prose from The Association of Rhode Island Authors
Lenore Rheaume Regina Andrews W. Gauvin Barber David Boiani Adele Bourne Heather Caranci Paul Caranci A. Keith Carreiro R.N. Chevalier Kathy Clark Jessica M. Collette K. Eric Crook Kevin Duarte Hank Ellis Jill Fague Leo C. Frisk Jr. Hannah R. Goodman Patricia Hinkley L.A. Jacob Sam Kafrissen Deborah Katz Donna Lomastro Paul Magnan Peter Mandel Richard Maule Joann Mead Don J. Metivier G.A. Miller Yvette Nachmias-Baeu Jack Nolan Frances O'Donnell Dusty Pembroke Joanne Perella D.R. Perry Joni Pfeiffer-Moser Thom Ring Victor Rudowski Bob Sherman Alycia Marie Shillan Angelina Singer J. Michael Squatrito Jr. Edward Taylor Debbie Kaiman Tillinghast Cheryl A. Voisinet Barbara Ann Whitman Deb Zannelli
Stillwater River Publications /2018-11-03 Paperback / 378 Pages
isbn-10: 1946300802 / isbn-13: 9781946300805