Pallister, Kathryn books & textbook
Netflix Nostalgia: Streaming the Past on Demand (Remakes, Reboots, and Adaptations)
Pallister, Kathryn Ciasullo Gonzaga University, Ann M. Biesen, Sheri Chinen Campbell, Patricia Castellano, Mayka Davis, Ande Gauthier, Philippe Maganzani, Paola Mcclantoc, Keshia Meimaridis, Melina Murray, John C. Pallister, Kathryn Sirianni, Joseph Stephan, Matthias Tembo, Kwasu D. Taurino, Giulia Yanders, Jacinta
Lexington Books /2019-04-15 Hardcover / 268 Pages
isbn-10: 1498583059 / isbn-13: 9781498583053
Pops in Pop Culture: Fatherhood, Masculinity, and the New Man
Podnieks, Elizabeth Diehl, Heath Doucet, Andrea Friedman, May Hill, Melvin Humphreys, Kristi Kunze, Peter C. Locke, Abigail Pallister, Kathryn
Palgrave Macmillan /2016-02-16 Paperback / 265 Pages
isbn-10: 1349569305 / isbn-13: 9781349569304