Ohayon, Shai books & textbook
An Ode to Tom: Homoerotic Art from Japan (The Container: Catalogues)
Container, The Mishima, Goh Tagame, Gengoroh Jiraiya, Jiraiya Mogi, Ayaka Ohayon, Shai Ichikawa, Georgie
Independently published /2020-11-09 Paperback / 96 Pages
Billy Monk: Defiance and Decadence Under Apartheid (The Container: Catalogues)
Container, The Mackintosh, Craig Cameron Jamal, Ashraf Monk, Billy Mogi, Ayaka Ohayon, Shai
Independently published /2019-09-07 Paperback / 76 Pages
isbn-10: 1691549010 / isbn-13: 9781691549016
Beatriz Inglessis: On Mosquitoes, Humans, and Other Animals: A discourse on vectors and hosts with philosopher Suzanne McCullagh and educationalist Renee Jackson (The Container: Catalogues)
Ohayon, Shai Container, The Inglessis, Beatriz Bingham, James Yamaguchi, Yuriko Yeoh, Peter McCullagh, Suzanne Jackson, Renee Ohayon, Shai
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2013-01-03 Paperback / 104 Pages
isbn-10: 1481876694 / isbn-13: 9781481876698
Shohei Miyachi: Blow (The Container: Catalogues)
Container, The Mickley, Foster Miyachi, Shohei Mogi, Ayaka Ohayon, Shai Olivier, Isabelle
Independently published /2021-11-25 Paperback / 106 Pages
Mark Kelner: Barcodes (The Container: Catalogues)
Container, The Kelner, Mark Mogi, Ayaka Ohayon, Shai Kelner, Mark
Independently published /2021-04-06 Paperback / 77 Pages
Soshi Matsunobe: Ghost of Copy (The Container: Catalogues)
Container, The Matsunobe, Soshi Mogi, Ayaka Ohayon, Shai Matsunobe, Soshi
Independently published /2021-07-12 Paperback / 98 Pages
Simon Roberts: The Brexshit Machine (The Container: Catalogues)
Container, The Harrington, Catherine Tzanakou, Vassiliki Roberts, Simon Ohayon, Shai Roberts, Simon
Independently published /2020-12-31 Paperback / 106 Pages
Suzanne Mooney: Out of Time and Place (The Container: Catalogues)
Container, The Mooney, Suzanne Mogi, Ayaka Ohayon, Shai Mooney, Suzanne
Independently published /2020-07-04 Paperback / 76 Pages
Sam Stocker: Surrogate Structures (The Container: Catalogues)
Container, The Stocker, Sam Nozawa Stocker, Rina Seo, Tomie Ohayon, Shai Stocker, Sam Jack, James
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2017-10-28 Paperback / 110 Pages
isbn-10: 1979216983 / isbn-13: 9781979216982
Risa Tsunegi: Causality and synchronicity (The Container: Catalogues)
Container, The Tsunegi, Risa Bingham, James Kato, Ken Kigure, Shinya Imai, Takashi Tahira, Hidetoshi Tsunegi, Risa Ohayon, Shai
Independently published /2019-01-23 Paperback / 74 Pages
isbn-10: 1794645268 / isbn-13: 9781794645264