Naval War College Press (U.S.), . books & textbook
Talking About Naval History: A Collection of Essays: A Collection of Essays
Hattendorf, John B. Naval War College Press (U.S.), .
Dept. of the Navy /2012-02-02 Paperback / 368 Pages
isbn-10: 1884733743 / isbn-13: 9781884733741
Fundamentals of War Gaming
Mchugh, Francis J. Naval War College Press, U.S. Dellavolpe, David A.
Dept. of the Navy /2016-03-14 Paperback / 252 Pages
isbn-10: 016093155X / isbn-13: 9780160931550
Non-International Armed Conflict in the Twenty-First Century (International Law Studies)
Naval War College Press (U S ) Watkin, Brigadier-General (Retired) Kenneth Norris, Andrew J
Government Printing Office /2012-11-05 Hardcover / 488 Pages
isbn-10: 1935352059 / isbn-13: 9781935352051
Major Naval Operations: Selected Case Studies: Selected Case Studies
Vego, Milan N. Naval War College Press (U.S.), .
Dept. of the Navy /2013-10-01 Paperback / 152 Pages
isbn-10: 1884733506 / isbn-13: 9781884733505
Inspiring Innovation: Examining the Operational Policy and Technical Contributions Made by Vice Admiral Samuel L. Gravely Jr and His Successors: ... (Van Beuren Studies in Leadership and Ethics)
Crosby Jr, Robert Naval War College Press (U S )
Government Printing Office /2017-12-22 Paperback / 209 Pages
isbn-10: 1935352466 / isbn-13: 9781935352464
Sailing New Seas: Naval War College Newport Papers 13
Reason, U.S. Navy, Admiral J. Paul Freymann, David G. Press, Naval War College
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2012-08-16 Paperback / 110 Pages
isbn-10: 1479138495 / isbn-13: 9781479138494
Echelon Defense: The Role of Sea Power in Chinese Maritime Dispute Strategy: The Role of Sea Power in Chinese Maritime Dispute Strategy (China Maritime Studies)
Naval War College Press (U S ) Martinson, Ryan D China Maritime Studies Institute (U S )
Government Printing Office /2018-05-17 Paperback / 102 Pages
isbn-10: 1935352644 / isbn-13: 9781935352648
Navies and Soft Power: Historical Case Studies of Naval Power and the Nonuse of Military Force: Historical Case Studies of Naval Power and the Nonuse of Military Force (Newport Paper)
Elleman, Bruce a Naval War College Press (U S ) Paine, S C M
Government Printing Office /2015-10-10 Paperback / 245 Pages
isbn-10: 1935352334 / isbn-13: 9781935352334
Regulation of International Coercion: Legal Authorities and Political Constraints: Legal Authorities and Political Constraints (Newport Paper)
Terry, James P. Naval War College Press (U.S.), .
Dept. of the Navy /2006-08-31 Paperback / 156 Pages
isbn-10: 1935352156 / isbn-13: 9781935352150
Influence Without Boots on the Ground: Seaborne Crisis Response: Maritime Crisis Response (Newport Paper)
Forster, Larissa Naval War College Press (U S ) Defense Dept Navy Dept (U S )
Government Printing Office /2013-04-04 Paperback / 240 Pages
isbn-10: 1935352032 / isbn-13: 9781935352037