Myers, Tracy books & textbook
Gaining Access: A Practical and Theoretical Guide for Qualitative Researchers
Feldman, Martha S. Bell, Jeannine Berger University of Nevada, Michele Tracy Berger University of Nevada, Michele Tracy Vegas), Las Brooks, JoAnn M. Lih, Ann Chih Daniel-Echols, Marijata Debebe, Gelaye Dutton, Jane E. Enomoto, Ernestine K. Feldman, Martha Garcia-Johnson, Ronie Ginger, Clare Jelen University of Nevada Las, Ted G. Jamal, Amaney Manion, Melanie Miller-Adams, Michelle Myers, Charles T. Perlow, Leslie Pickering, Paula Pratt, Michael Sandfort, Jodi Schermer, Brian Amy Wrzesniewski, Amy Wrzesniewski
AltaMira Press /2003-03-04 Paperback / 192 Pages
isbn-10: 0759102163 / isbn-13: 9780759102163
You Are the Brand, Stupid!: How to Get Noticed, Gain Instant Credibility, Make Millions and Dominate Your Competition by Building Your Celebrity E
Worldwide Expert Press /2011-07-25 Hardcover / 124 Pages
isbn-10: 0578081865 / isbn-13: 9780578081861
Lil' Frank and the Big Hat
Outskirts Press /2024-09-04 Hardcover / 24 Pages
isbn-10: 1977273858 / isbn-13: 9781977273857
Deborah Berke
Yale University Press /2008-11-03 Hardcover / 240 Pages
isbn-10: 0300134398 / isbn-13: 9780300134391
Lebbeus Woods: Experimental Architecture
Harries, Karsten Armstrong, Richard Myers, Tracy Woods, Lebbeus
Carnegie Museum of Art /2004-09-02 Paperback / 56 Pages
isbn-10: 0880390433 / isbn-13: 9780880390439
The Power of Connected Marketing: 3 of the World's Leading Marketing Experts reveal their proven Online, Offline & In-store Strategies to grow your Business and Dominate your marketplace.
Troy Spring Glenn Pasch Tracy Myers
Xlibris /2016-04-23 Hardcover / 172 Pages
isbn-10: 1514424614 / isbn-13: 9781514424612
The Mixed Member Proportional System: Providing Greater Representation for Women?: A Case Study of the New Zealand Experience (SpringerBriefs in Political Science)
Springer /2016-11-23 Paperback / 93 Pages
isbn-10: 3319443135 / isbn-13: 9783319443133
The Responsible Software Engineer: Selected Readings in IT Professionalism
Myers, Colin Hall, Tracy Pitt, Dave
Springer /1997-01-15 Paperback / 360 Pages
isbn-10: 3540760415 / isbn-13: 9783540760412
The Hako: Song, Pipe, and Unity in a Pawnee Calumet Ceremony
Fletcher, Alice C. Murie, James R. Tracy, Edwin S. Myers, Helen
Bison Books /1996-10-01 Paperback / 390 Pages
isbn-10: 0803268890 / isbn-13: 9780803268890
Unfair Advantage
Celebrity PR /2012-05-15 Hardcover / 224 Pages
isbn-10: 0985364386 / isbn-13: 9780985364380