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Mussner, Franz books & textbook

Tractate on the Jews: The significance of Judaism for Christian faith

Mussner, Franz  

Fortress Press /1984T Hardcover / 339 Pages
isbn-10: 0800607074 / isbn-13: 9780800607074

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Herders theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament. Apostelgeschichte und Briefe. 11 Bde.

Gnilka, Joachim  Mussner, Franz  Oberlinner, Lorenz  Schelkle, Karl H.  Schlier, Heinrich  Schnackenburg, Rudolf.  

Herder, Freiburg /2002-02-01 Paperback
isbn-10: 3451274906 / isbn-13: 9783451274909

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Mort et Resurrection: Sermons bibliques pour le Careme sur des passages de la Lettre aux Romains

Franz Mussner  

Mulhouse: Editions Salvator /1968-01-01 Paperback / 81 Pages


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Was lehrt Jesus über das Ende der Welt

Mussner, Franz:  Mussner, Franz:  

Freiburg: Herder 1958. /1958T Paperback


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The Historical Jesus in the Gospel of St John (Volume 19 of Quaestiones Disputatae Series)

Mussner, Franz  

Herder and Herder /1967T Paperback


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Christ and the End of the World: A Biblical Study in Eschatology

Mussner, Franz  

University of Notre Dame Press /1965-01-01 Paperback


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Use of Parables in Catechetics (Pocket Library S.)

Franz Mussner  

University of Notre Dame Press /1965-01-01 Paperback


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What Did Jesus Teach About the End of the World? - An Interpretation of Mark 13

Franz Mussner  

Word of Life / Unknown Binding


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The miracles of Jesus;: An introduction (Contemporary catechetics)

Mussner, Franz  

University of Notre Dame Press /1968T Unknown Binding / 105 Pages


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Die Auferstehung Jesu

Franz Mussner  

Kösel / Hardcover


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