Morton H. Fried books & textbook
The notion of tribe (Cummings modular program in anthropology)
Cummings Pub. Co /1975T Paperback / 136 Pages
isbn-10: 0846515482 / isbn-13: 9780846515487
The Evolution of Political Society: An Essay in Political Anthropology
McGraw Hill Text /1967T Paperback
isbn-10: 0394307879 / isbn-13: 9780394307879
Culture And Personality
Wallace, University Professor of Anthropology Emeritus Anthony F C Fried, Morton H Harris, Marvin
Literary Licensing, LLC /2012-03-17 Paperback / 222 Pages
isbn-10: 1258242060 / isbn-13: 9781258242060
Transitions: four rituals in eight cultures
Fried, Martha Nemes And Morton H.
W. W. Norton & Co. /1980T Hardcover
Readings in Anthropology: Volume 2, Cultural Anthropology
Thomas Crowell / Unknown Binding
Readings in Anthropology Second Edition Volume 1 Physical Anthropology, Linguistics, and Archeology
Alfred Louis Kroeber William C. Sturtevant Leslie A. White Morton H. Fried
Thomas Y. Crowell Company /1970-01-01 Paperback / 671 Pages
Readings in Anthropology (Volume II: Cultural Anthropology)
New York /1964-01-01 Paperback
Redings in Anthropology-Volume 1: Readings in Physical Anthropology, Linguistics, and Archaeology
Crowell /1962-01-01 Paperback
Readings in Anthropology Volume 1 Physical Anthropology, Linguistics, Archaeology
Crowell Publishing / Unknown Binding
Readings in Anthropology Second Edition Volume I
Thomas Y. Crowell Company /1968T Paperback