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Moray, Gerta books & textbook

Hundreds and Thousands: The Journals of Emily Carr

Carr, Emily  Moray, Gerta  

Douglas & McIntyre /2007-04-10 Paperback / 448 Pages
isbn-10: 1553651723 / isbn-13: 9781553651727

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Unsettling Encounters: First Nations Imagery in the Art of Emily Carr

Moray, Gerta  

UBC Press /2007-08-31 Hardcover / 400 Pages
isbn-10: 0774812826 / isbn-13: 9780774812825

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Le Canada et l'Impressionnisme: Nouveaux horizons

Hudson, Anna  Atanassova, Katerina  Bruce, Tobi  Lacroix, Laurier  Lerner, Loren  Lock, Tracey  Moray, Gerta  Paikowsky, Sandra  Gopnik, Adam  

CINQ CONTINENTS /2020-02-21 Hardcover / 256 Pages
isbn-10: 8874398662 / isbn-13: 9788874398669

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Husar Handbook: Natalka Husar

Gerta Moray  Carol Podedworny  Stuart Reid  Dawn Owen  Meeka Walsh  

McMaster Museum of Art / ABC Art Books Canada /2010-09-30 Hardcover / 84 Pages
isbn-10: 092081087X / isbn-13: 9780920810873

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Mary Pratt

GWYN, Sanda; MORAY, Gerta  Mary Pratt  

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. /1989T Hardcover / 186 Pages
isbn-10: 0075499126 / isbn-13: 9780075499121

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