Metropolis, N. . books & textbook
Symbolic Dynamics of Trapezoidal Maps
D Reidel Pub Company /1986T Hardcover
Surveys in Applied Mathematics: Essays Dedicated to S.M. Ulam
Metropolis, N. Orszag, S. Rota, G.-C.
Academic Press /2014-09-25 Paperback / 316 Pages
isbn-10: 1483243486 / isbn-13: 9781483243481
Science, Computers, and the Information Onslaught: A Collection of Essays
Kerr, Donald M. Braithwaite, Karl Metropolis, N.
Academic Press /2014-09-23 Paperback / 290 Pages
isbn-10: 1483241629 / isbn-13: 9781483241623
Annual Report of the Trustees of the Association
Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), New York Metropoli, Metropolitan
BiblioBazaar /2009-04-23 Paperback / 80 Pages
isbn-10: 1110016727 / isbn-13: 9781110016723
A New Era in Computation
Metropolis, N. Rota, Gian-Carlo
Mit Pr /1993T Paperback / 257 Pages
isbn-10: 0262631547 / isbn-13: 9780262631549
New Directions in Physics: The Los Alamos 40th Anniversary Volume
Metropolis, N. Kerr, Donald M. Rota, Gian-Carlo
Academic Pr /1987T Hardcover / 292 Pages
isbn-10: 0124921558 / isbn-13: 9780124921559
Table of atomic masses, by N. Metropolis [and] G. Reitwiesner. Mar. 1950. 1951 [Leather Bound]
Generic /2022-01-01 Leather Bound / 484 Pages