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Merrill, Jean books & textbook

The Pushcart War (New York Review Children's Collection)

Merrill, Jean  Solbert, Ronni  

NYRB Kids /2015-09-29 Paperback / 232 Pages
isbn-10: 1590179366 / isbn-13: 9781590179369

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The Toothpaste Millionaire

Merrill, Jean  

Clarion Books /2006-09-04 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0618759255 / isbn-13: 9780618759255

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There's an Owl in the Shower

George, Jean Craighead  Merrill, Christine Herman  

HarperCollins /2019-07-02 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0064406822 / isbn-13: 9780064406826

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Loose-leaf Version for Biology How Life Works

Morris, James  Hartl, Daniel  Knoll, Andrew  Lue, Robert  Michael, Melissa  Berry, Andrew  Biewener, Andrew  Farrell, Brian  Holbrook, N. Michele  Heitz, Jean  Hens, Mark  Merrill, John  Phillis, Randall  Pires, Debra  Lozovsky, Elena  

W. H. Freeman /2019-01-11 Loose Leaf / 1248 Pages
isbn-10: 1319264980 / isbn-13: 9781319264987

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The Elephant Who Liked to Smash Small Cars

Merrill, Jean  Solbert, Ronni  

NYR Children's Collection /2015-03-10 Hardcover / 40 Pages
isbn-10: 1590178726 / isbn-13: 9781590178720

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Biology: How Life Works, Volume 1

Morris, James  Hartl, Daniel  Knoll, Andrew  Lue, Robert  Michael, Melissa  Berry, Andrew  Biewener, Andrew  Farrell, Brian  Holbrook, N. Michele  Heitz, Jean  Hens, Mark  Merrill, John  Phillis, Randall  Pires, Debra  Lozovsky, Elena  

W. H. Freeman /2019-01-04 Paperback / 592 Pages
isbn-10: 1319243142 / isbn-13: 9781319243142

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The Pushcart War

Merrill, Jean  

Dell Yearling /1983T Paperback


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The Mimetic Brain (Studies in Violence, Mimesis & Culture)

Oughourlian, Jean-Michel  Merrill, Trevor Cribben  

Michigan State University Press /2016-01-01 Paperback / 228 Pages
isbn-10: 1611861896 / isbn-13: 9781611861891

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Psychopolitics: Conversations with Trevor Cribben Merrill (Studies in Violence, Mimesis & Culture)

Jean-Michel Oughourlian  Trevor Cribben Merrill  Trevor Cribben Merrill  

Michigan State University Press /2012-10-01 Paperback / 110 Pages
isbn-10: 1611860539 / isbn-13: 9781611860535

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