Melanie R. Green books & textbook
Fantasy 2005 : La revue des éditions Bragelonne (Broché)
Raymond E. Feist Henri Lœvenbruck Simon R. Green Simon Clark Alberto Varanda Stan Nicholls Ange Tom Holt Erik Wietzel Michael Marshall Smith Mélanie Fazi Adam Roberts Fabrice Colin
Bragelonne /2005-06-21 Paperback / 304 Pages
isbn-10: 2915549206 / isbn-13: 9782915549201
Vivian Heeden Melanie R. Green
LOMA Education & Training / Paperback
isbn-10: 1579741673 / isbn-13: 9781579741679
Prep Pak for FLMI 320 - Life and Health Insurance Marketing
JoAnn Appleton Ken Duke Kristen L. Falk Melanie R. Green Iris F. Hartley
Life Management Institute LOMA /1997T Spiral-bound / 211 Pages
isbn-10: 157974009X / isbn-13: 9781579740092
The State of the Parties: The Changing Role of Contemporary American Parties (People, Passions, and Power: Social Movements, Interest Organizations, and the P)
Green, John C. Shea, Daniel M. Beck, Paul Allen Berg, John C. Bibby, John F. Binning, William Blumberg, Melanie Boatright, Robert G. Clayton, Nancy Coleman, John J. Collet, Christian Dwyre, Diana Frendreis, John Gitelson, Alan R. Goodhart, Noah Green, John C. Herrnson, Paul S. S.Jackson, John Jaramillo, Patricia A. Kolodny, Robin Little, Thomas H. Lowi, Theodore J. Patterson, Samuel C. Pomper, Gerald M. Rapoport, Ronald B. Reichley, A James Ryden, David K. Scully, Roger M. Stone, Walter J. Wattenberg, Martin P. Weber, Lori M.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /1999-01-14 Paperback / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 0847693104 / isbn-13: 9780847693108
The State of the Parties: The Changing Role of Contemporary American Parties (People, Passions, and Power: Social Movements, Interest Organizations, and the P)
Green, John C. Coffey, Daniel J. Abramowitz, Alan I. Bigelow, Nathan S. Binning, William C. Blumberg, Melanie J. Butler, R Lawrence Collet, Christian Dulio, David A. Dwyre, Diana Frendreis, John P. Funk, Cary Garrett, R Sam Gitelson, Alan R. Green, John C. A.Gross, Cassie Hansen, Jerrold Heberlig, Eric Jackson III, John S. Jenkins, Shannon Keeter, Scott Kennedy, Courtney Kimball, David C. Kolodny, Robin La Raja, Raymond J. Larson, Bruce Magleby, David B. Monson, J Quin Orr, Susan E. Patterson, Kelly D. Petrocik, John R. Rapoport, Ronald B. Reichley, A James Reiter, Howard L. Roscoe, Douglas D. Ryden, David K. Saunders, Kyle L. Skinner, Richard M. Smith, Daniel A. Stone, Walter J. Stonecash, Jeffrey M. Ubertaccio, Peter
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2006-07-24 Hardcover / 444 Pages
isbn-10: 0742553213 / isbn-13: 9780742553217
The State of the Parties: The Changing Role of Contemporary American Parties (People, Passions, and Power: Social Movements, Interest Organizations, and the P)
Green, John C. Farmer, Rick Barclay, Sarah Beck, Paul Allen Berg, John C. Bigelow, Nathan Binning, William C. Blumberg, Melanie J. Butler, R Lawrence Coleman, John J. Corrado, Anthony Dulio, David A. Dwyre, Diana Farmer, Rick Fender, Rich Francia, Peter L. Frendreis, John P. Gitelson, AlanR Gouvêa, Heitor Green, John C. Herrnson, Paul S. Jackson, John S. Jewell, Malcolm E. Kolodny, Robin La Raja, Ray J. Lowi, Theodore J. Morehouse, Sarah M. Pomper, Gerald M. Rapoport, Ronald B. Reichley, A James Ryden, David K. Schwab, Larry Shea, Daniel M. Stonecash, Jeffrey M. Stone, Walter J. Thurber, James A.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2003-03-25 Paperback / 440 Pages
isbn-10: 0742518221 / isbn-13: 9780742518223