Lott, Rod books & textbook
Flick Attack Movie Arsenal: Book One
Independently published /2022-04-24 Paperback / 518 Pages
Graphic Classics Volume 21: Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery (GRAPHIC CLASSICS GN)
Poe, Edgar Allan Caputo, Antonella Lott, Rod Rainey, Rich Pomplun, Tom Manning, Michael Maniquis, Reno Weber, Lisa K. Teare, Brad Evergreen, Nelson Kiely, Molly Wan Kok, Leong Wilson, Craig Shaw, Stanley Emdin, Anton Langridge, Roger Ewen, Andy
Eureka Productions /2011-09-13 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0982563027 / isbn-13: 9780982563021
Graphic Classics Volume 20: Western Classics (GRAPHIC CLASSICS GN)
Grey, Zane Howard, Robert E. Harte, Bret Cather, Willa Mulford, Clarence E. Neihardt, John G. Atherton, Gertrude Robbins, Trina Avery, Ben Lott, Rod Rainey, Rich Hontiveros, David Pomplun, Tom Martin, Cynthia Spiegle, Dan Findley, John Sellas, George Maniquis, Reno Smith, Ryan Huna Feldstein, Al Arre, Arnold
Eureka Productions /2011-03-01 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0978791991 / isbn-13: 9780978791995
Graphic Classics Volume 11: O. Henry (GRAPHIC CLASSICS GN)
Henry, O. Castle, Mort Lott, Rod Pomplun, Tom Geary, Rick Andrews, Esao Flenniken, Shary Others
Eureka Productions /2005-02-08 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0974664820 / isbn-13: 9780974664828
Graphic Classics Volume 3: H. G. Wells - 2nd Edition
Wells, H. G. Caputo, Antonella Lott, Rod Pomplun, Tom O'Neill, Dan Williamson, Skip Gane, Simon Frail, Seth Miller, Nick Teare, Brad Tommaso, Rich Knight, Milton
Eureka Productions /2005-05-10 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0974664839 / isbn-13: 9780974664835
Graphic Classics Volume 18: Louisa May Alcott (GRAPHIC CLASSICS GN)
Alcott, Louisa May Robbins, Trina Caputo, Antonella Lott, Rod Burrows, Alex Pomplun, Tom Timmons, Anne Arre, Arnold Fleener, Mary Flenniken, Shary Lopez, Pedro Pawlowsky, Toni Weber, Lisa K.
Eureka Productions /2010-01-19 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0978791983 / isbn-13: 9780978791988
Graphic Classics Volume 4: H. P. Lovecraft - 2nd Edition (GRAPHIC CLASSICS GN)
Lovecraft, H. P. Lott, Rod Burrows, Alex Rainey, Rich Pomplun, Tom Gane, Simon Lopez, Pedro Neely, Tom Comolo, Giorgio Corben, Richard Geary, Rick Howarth, Matt Weber, Lisa K. Bonivert, J. B. Jeremi, Onsmith Nelson, Mark A. Alanguilan, Gerry
Eureka Productions /2007-02-20 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0974664898 / isbn-13: 9780974664897
Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Terror (GRAPHIC CLASSICS GN)
Poe, Edgar Allan Hontiveros, David Lott, Rod Grant, Andrea Nieves, Rafael Geary, Rick Vergara, Carlo Bonivert, J. B. Alanguilan, Gerry Arre, Arnold Lopez, Pedro Howarth, Matt Gomez, Juan Ollman, Joe Knight, Milton Luzwick, Dierdre Manning, Michael
Eureka Productions /2021-01-12 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 099638880X / isbn-13: 9780996388801
Graphic Classics, Vol. 2: Arthur Conan Doyle, Second Edition (GRAPHIC CLASSICS GN)
Doyle, Arthur Conan Caputo, Antonella Lott, Rod Pomplun, Tom Gane, Simon Knight, Milton Miller, Nick Geary, Rick Langridge, Roger Bonivert, J. B. Pierard, John
Eureka Productions /2005-11-15 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0974664855 / isbn-13: 9780974664859
David Fincher's Zodiac: Cinema of Investigation and (Mis)Interpretation (The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Law, Culture, and the Humanities)
Sorrento, Matthew Sorrento, Matthew Ryan, David Sharrett, Christopher Carr, Jeremy Fredrick, Daniel R. Jaramillo, Deborah L. Kevorkian, Martin Rod Lott Rod Lott Rodewald, Theresa Rutkowski, Jake Ryan, David Sharrett, Christopher Sorrento, Matthew Sorrento, Matthew Toles University of Manitoba, George Weedman, Christopher Winters, Andrew M.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press /2023-08-22 Paperback / 274 Pages
isbn-10: 1683933281 / isbn-13: 9781683933281