Little, I. M. D. books & textbook
A Critique of Welfare Economics
Oxford University Press /1963T Paperback / 302 Pages
Project appraisal and planning for developing countries, (An HEB paperback)
Little, I. M. D.; Mirrlees, J. A.
Heinemann Educational Books Ltd /1974T Hardcover / 388 Pages
isbn-10: 0435845004 / isbn-13: 9780435845001
International Aid: Flow of Public Resources from Rich to Poor Countries by Little IMD Clifford J. M. (2005-08-01) Paperback
Boom, Crisis, and Adjustment: The Macroeconomic Experience of Developing Countries (A World Bank Book)
Little, I. M. D. Cooper, Richard N. Corden, W. Max Rajapatirana, Sarath
Oxford University Press /1993-02-24 Hardcover / 455 Pages
isbn-10: 0195208919 / isbn-13: 9780195208917
Ethics, Economics, and Politics: Some Principles of Public Policy 1st edition by Little, I. M. D. (2002) Hardcover
Oxford University Press / Hardcover
Aid to Africa. An Appraisal of UK Policy for Aid to Africa South of the Sahara.
Pergamon /1964T Paperback
A Critique of Welfare Economics. Second Edition.
Oxford: Clarendon Press 1950. /1950-01-01 Hardcover
Concentration in British Industry
Evely, RIchard and I M D Little.
Cambridge [Eng.] University Press /1960T Hardcover / 357 Pages
The Price of Fuel
Oxford at the Clarendon Press /1953T Hardcover / 197 Pages