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Langdon, John W. books & textbook

Connections: A World History, Volume 2, Print Plus NEW MyHistoryLab for World History (3rd Edition)

Judge, Edward H.  Langdon, John W.  

Pearson /2015-04-27 Paperback
isbn-10: 0134167554 / isbn-13: 9780134167558

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Connections: A World History, Volume 2 (3rd Edition)

Judge, Edward H.  Langdon, John W.  

Pearson /2015-03-12 Paperback / 496 Pages
isbn-10: 0133841391 / isbn-13: 9780133841398

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The Cold War through Documents: A Global History

Judge, Edward H.  Langdon co-author The Struggle Against Imperialism: Anti-Colonialism and the Cold, John W.  

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2017-10-27 Paperback / 380 Pages
isbn-10: 1538109263 / isbn-13: 9781538109267

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Connections: A World History, Combined Volume (3rd Edition)

Judge, Edward H.  Langdon, John W.  

Pearson /2015-03-12 Paperback / 896 Pages
isbn-10: 0133842746 / isbn-13: 9780133842746

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A Hard and Bitter Peace: A Global History of the Cold War

Judge, Edward H.  Langdon, John W.  

Pearson College Div /1995T Paperback / 338 Pages
isbn-10: 0132344513 / isbn-13: 9780132344517

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Connections: A World History, Volume 1 (2nd Edition)

Judge, Edward H.  Langdon, John W.  

Pearson /2011-07-11 Paperback / 528 Pages
isbn-10: 0205835449 / isbn-13: 9780205835447

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Connections: A World History: Combined Volume

Judge, Edward H.  Langdon, John W.  

Pearson /2008-08-14 Paperback / 1056 Pages
isbn-10: 0321107829 / isbn-13: 9780321107824

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Connections: A World History, Combined Volume (2nd Edition) 2nd (Second) Edition

, John W. Langdon  

Prentice Hall /2011T Paperback


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National Geographic on Indians of the Americas; a Color-Illustrated Record

Matthew W. Stirling  Herget W. Langdon  H. M. Kihn  John Oliver La Groce  

national geographic society /1955T Hardcover


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The Struggle against Imperialism: Anticolonialism and the Cold War (Exploring World History)

Judge, Edward H.  Langdon co-author The Struggle Against Imperialism: Anti-Colonialism and the Cold, John W.  

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2018-06-15 Hardcover / 242 Pages
isbn-10: 1442265833 / isbn-13: 9781442265837

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