Kren M. Hess books & textbook
Criminal Investigation (MindTap Course List) by Kren M. Hess Christine Hess Orthmann Henry Lim Cho(2016-01-01)
Kren M. Hess Christine Hess Orthmann Henry Lim Cho
Delmar Cengage Learning / Hardcover
By K??ren M. Hess Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement (7th Seventh Edition) [Hardcover]
Cengage Learning / Unknown Binding
Juvenile Justice 6th (sixth) Edition by Hess, K?ren M., Orthmann, Christine H., Wright, John P. published by Cengage Learning (2012)
Cengage Learning / Hardcover
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice by Christine Hess Orthmann (2014-01-31)
Delmar Cengage Learning / Hardcover
For the Record: Report Writing in Law Enforcement by K??ren M. Hess (2002-05-03)
K??ren M. Hess;Henry M. Wrobleski
Innovative Systems / Paperback
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement by Kären M. Hess (2011-01-01)
Hess K??ren M. Hess Orthmann Christine
Delmar Cengage Learning; 6 edition (2011-01-01) / Hardcover
Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System by Harr, J. Scott, Hess, K??ren M., Hess Orthmann, Christine, Kingsbury, Jonathan (January 1, 2014) Hardcover
Harr J. Scott Hess K??ren M. Hess Orthmann Christine Kingsbury Jonathan
Cengage Learning / Unknown Binding
Criminal Investigation (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac) (Available Titles CengageNOW) by Bennett Wayne W. Hess K??ren M. (2003-08-04) Hardcover
Bennett Wayne W. Hess K??ren M.
Unknown Binding
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice by Wrobleski Henry M. Hess K??ren M. (1999-08-02) Hardcover
Wrobleski Henry M. Hess K??ren M.
By K??ren M. Hess Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice (11th Eleventh Edition) [Hardcover]
Cengage Learning / Unknown Binding