Kohnle, Anton books & textbook
Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems II. Volume 3219
PN /1998T Paperback
The Water Returned To The Old Harbor Of Breda In The Netherlands
Blurb /2010-02-23 Paperback
isbn-10: 1367542286 / isbn-13: 9781367542280
Blurb /2010-02-09 Paperback
isbn-10: 1367542243 / isbn-13: 9781367542242
Optics in Atmospheric Propagation, Adaptive Systems, and Lidar Techniques for Remote Sensing
Devir, Adam D. (Chair); Kohnle, Anton (Chair); Werner, Christian (Chair)
SPIE PRESS-The International Society for Optical Engineering /1997T Paperback / 262 Pages
isbn-10: 0819423602 / isbn-13: 9780819423603
Atmospheric Propagation and Remote Sensing II: 12-16 April 1993, Orlando Florida, (Spie Proceedings Vol. 1968)
Society of Photo Optical /1993T Paperback
isbn-10: 081941204X / isbn-13: 9780819412041
Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XI (Proceedings of Spie)
Kohnle, Anton Stein, Karin Gonglewski, John D.
Society of Photo Optical /2008-01-01 Paperback / 206 Pages
isbn-10: 0819473391 / isbn-13: 9780819473394
Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems X (Proceedings of Spie)
Stein, Karin Kohnle, Anton Gonglewski, John D.
Society of Photo Optical /2007-12-01 Paperback / 282 Pages
isbn-10: 081946905X / isbn-13: 9780819469052
Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems IX (Proceedings of Spie)
Society of Photo Optical /2006-12-15 Paperback / 178 Pages
isbn-10: 0819464597 / isbn-13: 9780819464590
Atmospheric Optical Modeling, Measurement, and Simulation II (Proceedings of Spie)
Hammel, Stephen M. Kohnle, Anton
Society of Photo Optical /2006-11-15 Paperback / 304 Pages
isbn-10: 0819463825 / isbn-13: 9780819463821
Atmospheric Optical Modeling, Measurement, and Simulation (Proceedings of Spie)
Doss-hammel, Stephen M. Kohnle, Anton
Society of Photo Optical /2005-01-01 Paperback / 220 Pages
isbn-10: 0819458961 / isbn-13: 9780819458964