Kalmthout, Anton van books & textbook
Sanctions-Systems in the Member-State of the Council of Europe
Springer /1988-08-15 Paperback / 400 Pages
isbn-10: 9065443851 / isbn-13: 9789065443854
Foreigners in European Prisons
Kalmthout, Anton M. van Meulen, F.B.A.M. Hofstee-Van Der Dunkel, F.
Wolf Legal Publishers /2013-02-01 Paperback / 1026 Pages
isbn-10: 9058509753 / isbn-13: 9789058509758
Drug policies in Western Europe (Criminological research reports by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Penal Law, Freiburg i. Br)
Albrecht, Hans J, Kalmthout, Anton van
Eigenverlag Max-Planck-Institut fur Auslandisches und Internationales Strafrecht /1989-01-01 Paperback / 479 Pages
isbn-10: 3922498469 / isbn-13: 9783922498469
Material Detention Conditions, Execution of Custodial Sentences and Prisoner Transfer in the EU Member States: IRCP Series, Vol. 41 (41) (Institute ... Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP))
Vermeulen, Gert Kalmthout, Anton van Paterson, Neil Knapen, Marije Verbeke, Peter Bondt, Wendy De
Maklu Publishers /2011-09-01 Paperback / 1008 Pages
isbn-10: 904660456X / isbn-13: 9789046604564
Cross-border Execution of Judgements Involving Deprivation of Liberty in the EU: Overcoming Legal and Practical Problems Through Flanking Measures ... Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP))
Vermeulen, Gert Kalmthout, Anton van Paterson, Neil Knapen, Marije Verbeke, Peter Bondt, Wendy De
Maklu Publishers /2011-07-01 Paperback / 310 Pages
isbn-10: 9046604551 / isbn-13: 9789046604557